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The Media, Trust, Distrust and Deep Suspicion That Things Aren’t Right!

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

Already, the media and gov­ern­ment offi­cials are hat­ed. Truth is not in their DNA. Until this prob­lem is solved the grow­ing deep sus­pi­cion and dis­trust of pub­lic author­i­ties and the media that pro­tects them will deep­en. This news head­line drew my atten­tion today: “Police Arrest Men At Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ Los Ange­les Home After Ear­ly-Morn­ing Inci­dent.” Con­tin­u­ing, the arti­cle under the head­line report­ed: “Author­i­ties arrest­ed two men ear­ly Sat­ur­day morn­ing at Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris‘ Los Ange­les res­i­dence fol­low­ing a report of a pos­si­ble break-in, accord­ing to the Los Ange­les Police Depart­ment (LAPD).”  Let’s exam­ine this and see what it does­n’t say. First, who report­ed them and why?

Fires are rav­aging Los Ange­les. Cur­few laws were imposed to pre­vent loot­ing. Two men, clad in black out­fits were appre­hend­ed lurk­ing about the prop­er­ty. That’s all we’re told. Were they blacks, asians or mus­lims? We’re not told. We know imme­di­ate­ly they could not have been White because the media would had screamed White MAGA Trump fol­low­ers attacked the VP house and that’s all we would hear. Except for that one arti­cle on Amer­i­ca Lib­er­ty web site, not anoth­er word yet. Nor­mal­ly, in a soci­ety pro­tec­tive of its cit­i­zen’s, and to dri­ve home a point to poten­tial loot­ers, that to con­tin­ue home own­ers were autho­rized to shoot ’em, on the spot. That would work. Today’s loot­ers just get a tick­et.

So, back to the VP’s house. It’s 4:40 a.m. Police respond­ed to the Brent­wood res­i­dence of US vice president’s Kamala Har­ris where two men dressed entire­ly in black, were detained. “While their pres­ence raised obvi­ous con­cerns, the inves­ti­ga­tion could not (would not) con­firm any involve­ment in a bur­glary.” “Both men were lat­er released after police deter­mined they were not engaged in any ille­gal activ­i­ty.” Say what? The media report­ed that “details are extreme­ly lim­it­ed, police did not imme­di­ate­ly say what the two peo­ple were doing on the Vice Pres­i­dent’s prop­er­ty or whether the inci­dent would be fur­ther inves­ti­gat­ed.” When that hap­pens, it sug­gests gov­ern­ment agents were there to gath­er evi­dence on Har­ris or bug her place. Res­i­dents were remind­ed that Nation­al Guard, local LAPD, San­ta Mon­i­ca Police and Air­port Police Depart­ments were ready to arrest any­one for tres­pass­ing, loot­ing or oth­er offens­es between 6pm and 6am. Oh, I trem­ble in fear!

Peo­ple ordered out of their homes to avoid the on rush­ing flames are nat­u­ral­ly con­cerned about their prop­er­ty and ‚must won­der if the dimin­ished police are able to pro­tect their prop­er­ty. Regard­ing these two cretins, dressed all in black found loi­ter­ing arounds a pri­vate res­i­dence, we’d like to know who are they? What are their names? Are they Islam­ic Ter­ror­ists try­ing to com­mu­ni­cate with the VP (she was­n’t there) or are they MAGA sup­port­ers try­ing to do mis­chief to the VP?  Who select­ed their black ensem­ble? How did they get there? Was an auto­mo­bile found near­by? What was their rea­son for being there any way? Unan­swered, these ques­tions con­tribute to more dis­trust of “offi­cials.”

While Cal­i­for­nia offi­cials are scram­bling get­ting into self-defense modes, blam­ing every­one above them in rank for the crim­i­nal fail­ures to pro­tect the peo­ple of Los Ange­les City and Coun­ty, the spin goes on by the lega­cy media to pro­tect them, espe­cial­ly the biggest nerd, gov­er­nor Gavin New­som. The lev­el of his polit­i­cal malfea­sance is beyond mea­sure and he should suf­fer for it. He seri­ous­ly expects to be the Demo­c­rat nom­i­nee for Pres­i­dent in four years when Trump is gone. Cal­i­for­ni­ans, end his dreams. Hang that alba­tross around his neck.

Lis­ten­ing to media reports from the LA fires scenes, some real­ly stu­pid reporters try­ing to defend the inde­fen­si­ble, have inad­ver­tent­ly revealed the incom­pe­tence of polit­i­cal lead­er­ship. It is so patent­ly obvi­ous that view­ers not direct­ly involved in LA’s fire dis­as­ter must won­der if there is any lead­er­ship in Cal­i­for­nia at all. What we have learned is that the Pro­gres­sive poli­cies of CRT, and DEI, Green schemes and save the smelt plans that have man­dat­ed the hir­ing of “fruits, nuts and flakes” into posi­tions of author­i­ty in police, fire and water man­age­ment agen­cies has near­ly brought Cal­i­for­nia to it’s knees and they can’t stop, hide or dis­guise the Marx­ist rot that is destroy­ing Cal­i­for­nia. That’s all in their plan. By their fail­ures to face with com­pe­tence the destruc­tion of the city, and maybe oth­er major cen­ters of US pop­u­la­tion that may face sim­i­lar destruc­tion, must be blamed both on incom­pe­tence, but also design.

I sus­pect the peo­ple of Cal­i­for­nia, here-to-fore will­ing and able to pay high tax­es, and as will­ing to sup­port things that don’t real­ly make any sense or that they agree with, is because their basic assump­tion is that gov­ern­ment is here to take care of ’em. The over­whelm­ing extent of the LA fires and the obvi­ous fail­ure of basic man­age­ment prin­ci­ples, must cause many to won­der where did all their tax dol­lars go? The high speed train to nowhere? My guess would be that Gavin New­som, for a start, stick a fork in him, he’s done!

Final­ly, after all the mon­ey, equip­ment and resources Amer­i­ca has sent to for­eign coun­tries in their hours of dis­tress by nat­ur­al dis­as­ters all these many years, I won­der how many for­eign coun­tries see­ing our dis­tress, will send thei for­tunes in relief funds? Inter­est­ing­ly, Ukraine has offered to send fire fight­ers. So there!

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, help save Trumps vision. (13Jan25)


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