The Media, Trust, Distrust and Deep Suspicion That Things Aren’t Right!
Submitted by George McClellan
Already, the media and government officials are hated. Truth is not in their DNA. Until this problem is solved the growing deep suspicion and distrust of public authorities and the media that protects them will deepen. This news headline drew my attention today: “Police Arrest Men At Vice President Kamala Harris’ Los Angeles Home After Early-Morning Incident.” Continuing, the article under the headline reported: “Authorities arrested two men early Saturday morning at Vice President Kamala Harris‘ Los Angeles residence following a report of a possible break-in, according to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD).” Let’s examine this and see what it doesn’t say. First, who reported them and why?
Fires are ravaging Los Angeles. Curfew laws were imposed to prevent looting. Two men, clad in black outfits were apprehended lurking about the property. That’s all we’re told. Were they blacks, asians or muslims? We’re not told. We know immediately they could not have been White because the media would had screamed White MAGA Trump followers attacked the VP house and that’s all we would hear. Except for that one article on America Liberty web site, not another word yet. Normally, in a society protective of its citizen’s, and to drive home a point to potential looters, that to continue home owners were authorized to shoot ’em, on the spot. That would work. Today’s looters just get a ticket.
So, back to the VP’s house. It’s 4:40 a.m. Police responded to the Brentwood residence of US vice president’s Kamala Harris where two men dressed entirely in black, were detained. “While their presence raised obvious concerns, the investigation could not (would not) confirm any involvement in a burglary.” “Both men were later released after police determined they were not engaged in any illegal activity.” Say what? The media reported that “details are extremely limited, police did not immediately say what the two people were doing on the Vice President’s property or whether the incident would be further investigated.” When that happens, it suggests government agents were there to gather evidence on Harris or bug her place. Residents were reminded that National Guard, local LAPD, Santa Monica Police and Airport Police Departments were ready to arrest anyone for trespassing, looting or other offenses between 6pm and 6am. Oh, I tremble in fear!
People ordered out of their homes to avoid the on rushing flames are naturally concerned about their property and ‚must wonder if the diminished police are able to protect their property. Regarding these two cretins, dressed all in black found loitering arounds a private residence, we’d like to know who are they? What are their names? Are they Islamic Terrorists trying to communicate with the VP (she wasn’t there) or are they MAGA supporters trying to do mischief to the VP? Who selected their black ensemble? How did they get there? Was an automobile found nearby? What was their reason for being there any way? Unanswered, these questions contribute to more distrust of “officials.”
While California officials are scrambling getting into self-defense modes, blaming everyone above them in rank for the criminal failures to protect the people of Los Angeles City and County, the spin goes on by the legacy media to protect them, especially the biggest nerd, governor Gavin Newsom. The level of his political malfeasance is beyond measure and he should suffer for it. He seriously expects to be the Democrat nominee for President in four years when Trump is gone. Californians, end his dreams. Hang that albatross around his neck.
Listening to media reports from the LA fires scenes, some really stupid reporters trying to defend the indefensible, have inadvertently revealed the incompetence of political leadership. It is so patently obvious that viewers not directly involved in LA’s fire disaster must wonder if there is any leadership in California at all. What we have learned is that the Progressive policies of CRT, and DEI, Green schemes and save the smelt plans that have mandated the hiring of “fruits, nuts and flakes” into positions of authority in police, fire and water management agencies has nearly brought California to it’s knees and they can’t stop, hide or disguise the Marxist rot that is destroying California. That’s all in their plan. By their failures to face with competence the destruction of the city, and maybe other major centers of US population that may face similar destruction, must be blamed both on incompetence, but also design.
I suspect the people of California, here-to-fore willing and able to pay high taxes, and as willing to support things that don’t really make any sense or that they agree with, is because their basic assumption is that government is here to take care of ’em. The overwhelming extent of the LA fires and the obvious failure of basic management principles, must cause many to wonder where did all their tax dollars go? The high speed train to nowhere? My guess would be that Gavin Newsom, for a start, stick a fork in him, he’s done!
Finally, after all the money, equipment and resources America has sent to foreign countries in their hours of distress by natural disasters all these many years, I wonder how many foreign countries seeing our distress, will send thei fortunes in relief funds? Interestingly, Ukraine has offered to send fire fighters. So there!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, help save Trumps vision. (13Jan25)