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Trump’s Economic and Foreign Policy Agenda: A Push for National Restoration

  • It will take a minute for all the dust to set­tle. But all that Trump is doing has to be done. Every­thing since Jan 20th that Trump has done has to be done to restore the repub­lic. 
  • Trump can bank­rupt Cana­da. Trump’s tar­iffs are in effect. He will have a con­ver­sa­tion with Trudeau today. Cana­da may be eas­i­er to solve. But Mex­i­co is con­trolled by Chi­na and the car­tels. 
  • There may be pain. There will be some prod­ucts that will go up in price. But we will make Amer­i­ca Great Again and it will all be worth the price that must be paid. There will be quite a down­turn in the mar­ket today. Every­thing that is hap­pen­ing is a cor­rec­tion to cor­rup­tion. We had enor­mous infla­tion and inter­est rates going through the roof. It wasn’t because Biden’s team was try­ing to insert a cor­rec­tion, it was because the mon­ey was being print­ed so fast. 
  • The tar­iffs that Trump is impos­ing will bank­rupt cana­da. Mex­i­co is con­cerned because we are prepar­ing to car­pet bomb the car­tels 50 miles into Mex­i­co. The troops have been sent to the bor­der. 
  • The media tar­iff scare tac­tics are not all true. But the prices will go up. But what if the man­u­fac­tur­er comes back to the US. Trump again tells Cana­da to be the 51st state.  Cana­da impos­ing $155B in counter tar­iffs. CEO of Canada’s 2nd biggest com­pa­ny defends Trump’s tar­iff demands, slams Trudeau for not stop­ping trade war. Trump to speak with Trudeau today after impos­ing tar­iffs. 
  • Trump has already said that the EU will get the tar­iffs next. 
  • Mex­i­co is going to plan B, won’t tell us what it is. 
  • Amer­i­ca is not get­ting ripped off any­more. 
  • Remem­ber the trade deficit declined from Chi­na. We brought you the infor­ma­tion of Chi­na open­ing a fur­ni­ture man­u­fac­ture in Mex­i­co. Chi­na con­trols ports around the Pana­ma canal. They are import­ed into Pana­ma, Mex­i­co. Every­thing was com­ing through the south­ern bor­der with­out tar­iffs. So it looked like the trade between the US and Chi­na had decreased. 10% is on prod­ucts direct­ly from Chi­na. The prod­ucts that are com­ing through Mex­i­co now have 25%. 
  • These auto man­u­fac­tur­ers are not going to allow 25% tar­iffs. They will prob­a­bly take advan­tage of the tax break that Trump is offer­ing by bring­ing the man­u­fac­tur­ing back state­side. In 2024 the num­ber of light vehi­cles pros­e­cut­ed in Mex­i­co reached near­ly 4 mil­lion units from rough­ly 22.3 % pro­duced by Gen­er­al Motors. Mark Warn­er (D‑VA) says we have worked so hard to inte­grate our auto man­u­fac­tur­ers, by send­ing it all to Mex­i­co and Cana­da, tar­iff free and tak­ing all our jobs. He also says that they have worked hard to bring Chi­na pro­duc­tion to nearshore man­u­fac­tur­ers. Kuka Home expand­ed its uphol­stered fur­ni­ture man­u­fac­tur­ing plant in Mex­i­co. Chi­nese firms are using Mex­i­co as a back­door to the US… stick­ing it to the US. The tri­an­gu­lar rela­tion­ship between the US Chi­na and Mex­i­co is behind the buzz­word in Mex­i­can busi­ness: nearshoring. Man Way is one of the scores of Chi­nese com­pa­nies to relo­cate to the indus­tri­al parks in North­ern Mex­i­co in recent years to bring pro­duc­tion clos­er to the US mar­kets. Chi­nese firms can avoid the US tar­iffs and sanc­tions imposed by Chi­nese goods amid the con­tin­u­ing trade war between the two coun­ties. 
  • War with Car­tels is com­ing. Sources are report­ing that the War Depart­ment is prepar­ing a mas­sive strike on major Nar­co car­tel tar­gets inside Mex­i­co includ­ing drug labs and weapon stor­age sites. 
  • Trump sends Mar­co to Pana­ma imme­di­ate­ly. To make it clear that the US can­not and will not allow the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist par­ty to con­tin­ue with its effec­tive and grow­ing con­trol over the Pana­ma canal. Jim­my Carter signed away the Canal. Trump warns we are going to take it back. 
  • Trump is telling Chi­na that we are tak­ing back our back­yard. 

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