Home / National / Trump’s Tariff Strategy and the Battle Against China, Cartels, and Global Trade

Trump’s Tariff Strategy and the Battle Against China, Cartels, and Global Trade

  • We have a major prob­lem in Mex­i­co with nearshoring. Chi­na builds their fac­to­ries in Mex­i­co and uses the Mex­i­can free trade agree­ment. 2 days ago Trump put a 25% tar­iff on Mex­i­co. What hap­pened in Mex­i­co, Cana­da, and Pana­ma is a pow­er move against Chi­na. 
  • The net­work media will not talk about sav­ing a life. But by shut­ting down USAID we are killing babies in oth­er parts of the world. But we are ok with the fen­tanyl poi­son­ing of our own kids. 
  • Trump says to the Mex­i­can pres­i­dent to put a stop to the ter­ror­ists, ille­gals, drugs com­ing into this coun­try to lift the tar­iff. 
  • Cana­da will rein­force the bor­der with new tech­nol­o­gy equip­ment and 10K front­line per­son­nel. Trump told us that we don’t need any­thing that Cana­da has. Between Mex­i­co and Cana­da they have tak­en our entire auto man­u­fac­tur­er. The new man­u­fac­tur­er in the US is EVs. Canada’s dol­lar crashed yes­ter­day. 
  • Trump paus­es the tar­iffs for 30 days. He has to do some­thing with the North Amer­i­can Trade agree­ment. They want­ed to cre­ate free trade between Mex­i­co, Cana­da and the US. We can’t do that because that is a glob­al­ist move. Trump has to bring them to the table to shut Chi­na down. 
  • Mex­i­co pledges 10K troops to the bor­der. We have a war in Mex­i­co that we do not have in Cana­da. Mex­i­co is run by the car­tels. The fear is that a car­tel has a tac­ti­cal nuke pro­vid­ed by Chi­na. Mex­i­co may require a war to clean it out. On day one Trump declared an emer­gency on the south­ern bor­der and declared that the car­tels are a ter­ror­ist orga­ni­za­tion. The US Air Force is fly­ing over the air­space and look­ing at the car­tels. Hegseth con­firmed that the US could now con­duct spe­cial oper­a­tions against Mex­i­can car­tels. Mex­i­can drug car­tels plan attacks on Bor­der Patrol agents with Kamikaze drones and oth­er explo­sives to fight US crack­down. Trump’s con­ver­sa­tion with the Mex­i­can pres­i­dent was dif­fer­ent than with Trudeau. 
  • Pre­dic­tion: Trump is mak­ing a deal to go to war with the car­tels. Trump is not going to allow an attack. 
  • Chi­na impos­es tar­iffs on US goods start­ing Feb 10th.

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