Home / Shows / Violent crimes at a major increase. What to do? Mayors seeing very few options

Violent crimes at a major increase. What to do? Mayors seeing very few options

#BKP dis­cuss­es vio­lent crimes in Amer­i­ca, and how vio­lence is at an high. Mur­der rates con­tin­ue to soar. A lot of May­ors are los­ing hope and see no way to re-gain con­trol. A few of these cities include Bal­ti­more, Chica­go, Cincin­nati, Atlanta, and New York City. Biden announces crack­down on Amer­i­c­as guns as ear­ly as next week. #BPK talks about Dr. Fau­ci and the new Delta Vari­ant that is now 29 per­cent of most cas­es and is the great­est threat we have seen.

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