Home / Shows / Georgia U.S Senate Candidate Latham Saddler is Ready, Experienced, & Determined

Georgia U.S Senate Candidate Latham Saddler is Ready, Experienced, & Determined

In this inter­view with #BKP, Geor­gia U.S. Sen­ate Can­di­date, Lath­am Sad­dler, talks about his his­to­ry of join­ing the mil­i­tary, 9/11, two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and more. Lath­am dis­cuss­es his his­to­ry in the mil­i­tary and how it lead him on the path to where he is now. Tune in to hear his sto­ry, his love for the coun­try, and how he wants to straight­en things out on Cap­i­tal Hill.

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