Home / News / Lori talks Gas Prices Dropping, Trump Rally, Biden, and much more!Lori talks Gas Prices Dropping, Trump Rally, Biden, and much more!Lori talks Gas Prices Dropping, Trump Rally, Biden, and much more! Biden, Dropping, FetchYourNews, FYNTV, Gas, LoriDukeShow, More, Prices, Rally, Trump, Voice of Rural America, VORA Post navigation Prev PostThe All-Star Political Panel talks Biden in Brussels, HB-1013, Complicit Media, NWO, and more Next PostLori gives a Breakdown of the Save America Trump Rally!You May Also Like Diane’s Playlist: Robert F Kennedy, Jr is the Official HHS Secretary Georgia Election Security: QR Codes, Paper Ballots, and the Struggle for Integrity Georgia GOP’s Decline: McKoon, Shaffer, and the Struggle for Election Integrity