Home / News / Lori and BKP talk about GA laws, polling, the global entourage and more

Lori and BKP talk about GA laws, polling, the global entourage and more

Many of the new GA laws that were signed from the last leg­is­la­tion will take effect July 1.
Hb1084 — bans CRT
Hb1178 — par­ents bill of rights
Hb1283 — right to recess for all stu­dents k‑5

BKPs opin­ion Warnock and Abrams arent doing as well as the media sug­gests. Polling com­pa­nies just fill an order. The sam­pling is not a true sam­ple of the pub­lic. We do have to be con­cerned and we have to know who our oppo­nent is your screwed. We have to start talk­ing that Kemp is our nom­i­nee and Her­schel is our nom­i­nee. Her­schel has an excel­lent cam­paign staff, they will have him ready for what is to come.

BKP explains what hap­pens at these glob­al con­ven­tions. The entourage goes into the rooms to have meet­ings. We will nev­er hear about the meet­ings about how to han­dle the upris­ings in the world about the increas­es in oil, food, prop­er­ty tax­es, inter­est rate increas­es, infla­tion and the list goes on.

Do you think democ­rats would ever bring in some­one to take an oath and lie under oath. Cas­sidy Hutchin­son said 15 times some­thing to the effect of Remem­ber when Chris­tine Blasey Fords state­ment start­ed falling apart the day after her tes­ti­mo­ny. Maybe she repeat­ed a sto­ry from Tony Orna­to who may not be able to trust. But what we found out is that Trump want­ed to lead the charge to the capi­tol.

RKel­ly get­ting sen­tenced to 30 years
Biden inad­ver­tent­ly helped pay Hunters escorts. Hook­er stim­u­la­tion checks. Biden should come back over here and give his res­ig­na­tion speech and should be hauled off to jail. Won­der if the DOJ is watch­ing the Joe/Hunter Biden issues.

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