What if Trump runs again. This is real­ly get­ting noisy. Liz Chaney wants him indict­ed. The DA in Ful­ton coun­ty wants to indict him. They are try­ing to fig­ure out in July to send to the DOJ crim­i­nal refer­rals to indict Trump. What if Trump runs and wins in 2024.

Mitt Rom­ney warns that this could be incur­able stat­ing “This could be some­thing that hap­pens that we dont have a point of return.” What is the upside to Trump run­ning again? What is the neg­a­tive of DeSan­tis run­ning and win­ning his first term? Would it be good for DeSan­tis to be his run­ning mate? These are all ques­tions dis­cussed today with BKP.

Who says alleged crime does­nt pay. Ruby Free­man, a per­son of inter­est in the crime of 2020 elec­tion has raised 287K on gofundme. Shaye Moss has raised 251K. Won­der­ing if they will be able to sue any­one after the Jan 6 com­mit­tee is fin­ished.

Should Trump run in 2024? BKP thinks it would be a pos­i­tive for Trump to run again and win for the good of the coun­try.

Mitt Rom­ney gave a speech in 2016 to declare that Trump was a con­man and a liar. Now he has writ­ten an op-ed in The Atlantic, Amer­i­ca is in Denial. Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is gen­uine­ly a good man yet a return of Don­ald Trump would feed the sick­ness, prob­a­bly ren­der­ing it incur­able Unbe­liev­able. We heard what Mitt thought in 2016 and what he thinks now. Is Mitt Rom­ney think­ing the rul­ings of the SCOTUS did last week incur­able? When they upheld the Con­sti­tu­tion.

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