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BKP talks about passing the Baton across Generations

The Baton of Free­dom and Inde­pen­dence is passed from gen­er­a­tion to gen­er­a­tion. It is our job to pass the baton to ensure that our coun­try con­tin­ues to thrive. We move it for­ward with each gen­er­a­tion. When the coun­try was 125 years old those are the peo­ple that moved it for­ward for us, our grand­par­ents. It is not like­ly that we will see 2076 and nei­ther will our chil­dren. In 54 years, the youth of today will see the sen­tinel birth­day of our nation. There are run­ners that start the race and the relay con­tin­ues with each hand off of the baton. Each gen­er­a­tion is as impor­tant in mov­ing the baton, if we dont do some­thing imme­di­ate­ly in this coun­try there wont be anoth­er gen­er­a­tion of the Unit­ed States that will not be around to move it for­ward. It is our inde­pen­dence. It is our job to move it for­ward. We cant let any­thing hap­pen to pre­vent it from mov­ing for­ward. We have to stop the mad­ness now.

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