Home / News / Lori talks about summer of violence, Highland Park, Facebook, mental health and more

Lori talks about summer of violence, Highland Park, Facebook, mental health and more

Height­ened aware­ness of vio­lence for the sum­mer. When it is local you are remind­ed that we are just as vul­ner­a­ble. GBI was called to Stephens co. Regency Hotel yes­ter­day, a male was shot to death and fir­ing exchange result­ed in a killing of the shoot­er. No offi­cer was shot or killed. No details yet of the shoot­ing, rumors are that it is drug relat­ed.

Bor­der cities are call­ing for a coun­try of inva­sion, more in next seg­ment.

The High­land Park parade shoot­er will be charged with 7 counts of mur­der and with a litany of oth­er charges includ­ing attempt­ed mur­der, aggra­vat­ed mur­der for each of his vic­tims. Numer­ous reports of past men­tal health issues in 2019. Also in 2019 his father signed to allow him to legal­ly obtain a gun. Crimo start­ed upload­ing music to the inter­net at age 11. In 2021 he released a dis­turb­ing music video. He dressed as a woman try­ing to blend in at the parade because he knew he would be rec­og­nized. Climb­ing a fire escape to reach the top of a build­ing to release fire down on the parade goers.

It’s amaz­ing how quick­ly some of the con­ser­v­a­tive view­points are sup­pressed, while Crimo was post­ing on Face­book and were not removed until he was named the shoot­er. We need some­one from Face­book to tell us how they deter­mine what is offen­sive.

It’s not enough to say it is a men­tal health issue. Or a gun issue. We need lead­er­ship to bet­ter ana­lyze the gaps and deter­mine what is not work­ing.

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