Home / News / BKP talk about Liberal World Order, Dutch farmers, China tariffs, war drills and more

BKP talk about Liberal World Order, Dutch farmers, China tariffs, war drills and more

We need peo­ple to real­ly pay atten­tion. The smoke screens are placed when they are doing things when peo­ple arent pay­ing atten­tion usu­al­ly come on in a vio­lent way.

Biden takes action to reshape Trump’s tar­iffs on chi­na and will lift the tar­iffs on Chi­na. Chi­na infects the world and we con­tin­ue to reward them.

Iran and Rus­sia Chi­na to run war drills in Latin Amer­i­ca. While we were send­ing bil­lions to Ukraine and weapons.

Every­one laughed at AOC when she talked about the Green New Deal and talked about cow flat­u­lence. Chi­na bought an enor­mous farm 20 miles from a mil­i­tary base. Gates largest farm­land own­er. Do you think we have a plan to cut back on cat­tle, pigs with the green new deal? As Brus­sel said they are laser focused on the Lib­er­al World Order. They sent the test to the Nether­lands. Farm­ers protest the new envi­ron­men­tal reg­u­la­tions to require them to use less fer­til­iz­er and reduce cat­tle. They are protest­ing by block­ing roads and . curve nitro­gen out­put by 2030. They know the green reforms take place. Is it start­ing to hit your food sup­plies? Watch what hap­pens with the Dutch farm­ers.

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