Home / News / BKP talks about school districts, letter to Griner, GA Guidestones, and more

BKP talks about school districts, letter to Griner, GA Guidestones, and more

The VA school dis­trict pro­hibits teach­ers from con­tact­ing par­ents when stu­dents change their gen­der. Fair­fax coun­ty pub­lic schools is instruct­ing teach­ers and admin­is­tra­tors to for­go par­ents per­mis­sion when a stu­dent requests to use a bath­room and lock­er room asso­ci­at­ed with his or her so-called gen­der iden­ti­ty. The teach­ers could not pro­ceed with the Sup­port­ing Gen­der-Expan­sive and Trans­gen­der Youth train­ing until they checked the cor­rect box­es, regard­less of their per­son­al beliefs.

Neva­da demo­c­rat sen­a­tor qui­et­ly hon­ors drag queen for work­ing with chil­dren.

Par­ents are hav­ing a tough time. They want to put their child on the school bus and they want to send them off to read and write. And teach­ers have it tough. The teach­ers want an answer to the ques­tion and they have to jump through hoops so the kids are not offend­ed.

Biden spoke with Griner’s wife and will send a let­ter to Brit­tany. Biden tells Griner’s wife he is work­ing to get her home. Griner trav­eled to Rus­sia with a vape that had cannabis oil which was against the law. Rus­sia has laws against smug­gling drugs across their bor­der.

GA Guide­stones are blown up in a mys­tery attack. One of the four pil­lars was bad­ly dam­aged and they had to demol­ish the entire struc­ture.

Woke Los Ange­les DA George Gas­con faces real­i­ty as the group deliv­ers a peti­tion with over half a mil­lion sig­na­tures call­ing for him to be boot­ed thanks to his soft on crime poli­cies.

Call of Duty video from High­land Park gun­man reports

The democ­rats are in such bad shape, even in blue states like RI all they are left to do is show some booty.

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