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BKP talks about democrat plan, GA Grand Jury, and more


Tax­pay­ers on the hook for Biden’s bailout of union pensions. 

Democ­rats offer a plan to cut drug costs, seek­ing cli­mate and tax deals. They are still try­ing to work out a cli­mate deal. Look at what’s hap­pen­ing in the Nether­lands, the Dutch farm­ers. Look at what is going on with the green new deal there. They have renamed and repack­aged the build back bet­ter. They are try­ing to tell you it is deficit neu­tral . The democ­rats released the plan this week in an attempt to smooth the path for a scaled down tax and cli­mate spend­ing pack­age they hope to push through the sen­ate as ear­ly as this month over repub­li­can oppo­si­tion. The green new deal is up and running. 

GOP plots vengeance on Jan 6 com­mit­tee. These are high­lights for all the democ­rats cam­paign mate­r­i­al. Do you want the democ­rats that save the democ­ra­cy or the GOP that revenge that tears the democ­ra­cy down. 

Cip­polone is going behind closed doors. It is sus­pect­ed that he will claim attor­ney client privilege. 

Lind­sey Gra­ham says he will chal­lenge the GA Grand Jury sub­poe­na and insists he will prevail. 

There is a plan. There was an inter­view yes­ter­day by Fani Willis, she talked exclu­sive­ly to MSNBC. The ordi­nary peo­ple can’t get their day in court in GA. There are 10 of thou­sand cas­es fac­ing the court in Ful­ton yet this is what the DA Willis has time for to indict Trump. Will Don­ald Trump be sub­poe­naed, any­thing is pos­si­ble. In GA they have to fin­ish off Trump, get Stacey Abrams elect­ed. There is a total lock­down on talk­ing here in GA. 

DA Willis has to gain nation­al noto­ri­ety. Stacey Abrams is gov­er­nor and Willis gets any­thing she wants. Warnock could win. That would be Ossoff for 4 years and Warnock for 6 years. End­ing Trump. And pro­vide a lot of com­mer­cials. Lind­sey Gra­ham says he is going to fight the sub­poe­na, oth­ers say that also. Raf­fensperg­er hap­pi­ly com­plied and was the same with his staff. Kemp hap­pi­ly com­plied. Cer­tain repub­li­cans are talk­ing. They are hap­py to go to the Grand Jury and we aren’t aware of their tes­ti­mo­ny yet but they are talk­ing. Watch and see what hap­pens…. Remem­ber when the sen­ate had Giu­liani, East­men, Ellis come down and there was the 2 days of tes­ti­mo­ny and inves­ti­ga­tion into the GA state sen­ate hear­ings. The democ­rats are pre­pared in GA, Jen Jor­dan is pre­pared with her com­ments con­cern­ing those hear­ing. Two guys of inter­est when they sub­poe­na Bran­don Beech and Burt Jones. They may be able to get a hand pick can­di­date, Char­lie Bai­ley, run­ning for LT gov, if Burt Jones is sub­poe­na what effect will that have on the 2022 elec­tion. The LT gov deter­mines what hap­pens on the sen­ate floor. If they get Jen Jor­dan elect­ed as AG then they can do what they want. 

Repub­li­cans in GA in lead­er­ship, have to be talk­ing about a spe­cial ses­sion in GA if Stacey Abrams is elect­ed. They have to have it all laid out and have well laid plans in Decem­ber. They have to strip the pow­ers of the Gov­er­nor, LT gov, and the AG to save GA. 

Com­ing back to the skies in the fall of 2022. 

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