Home / News / BKP talks about Warnock, PM Johnson, Trumps plane, IRS audits and more

BKP talks about Warnock, PM Johnson, Trumps plane, IRS audits and more

Warnock uses cam­paign funds to fight law­suits. The expen­di­tures were made to defend him­self against seem­ing­ly base­less claims involv­ing his time as pas­tor. This arti­cle is not on AJC. ques­tions are raised about whether the spend­ing runs afoul of fed­er­al rules gov­ern­ing per­son­al use of cam­paign funds.

Break­ing news. British PM John­son resigns. Boris no more par­ties at 10 Down­ing St.

The Trump plane is com­ing back in the fall.

The IRS audits on Comey and McCabe, FBI direc­tors. They get rare tax audits, could they be delib­er­ate­ly tar­get­ed. The IRS says it is ran­dom. McCabe says it defies log­ic and peo­ple need to trust their insti­tu­tions.

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