Home / Featured Segments / BKP and Lori talk about the American flag, military recruitment, democrats have nothing and more

BKP and Lori talk about the American flag, military recruitment, democrats have nothing and more

The Amer­i­can flag is con­sid­ered the GOP White Nation­al­ist Flag and peo­ple are offend­ed. It was the con­fed­er­ate flag which rep­re­sent­ed the south and the rebuild­ing of the south. Now it is the Amer­i­can Flag. Our flag rep­re­sents much more than the MAGA crowd or Trump sup­port­ers.

BKP gives Lori an assign­ment on recruit­ing in the mil­i­tary. How is the fen­tanyl affect­ing the recruit­ment or is it? What is caus­ing the low recruit­ment? What are the prob­lems with the enlist­ment? Is it local?

The democ­rats have noth­ing. They are rats flee­ing the sink­ing ship. It is in dis­ar­ray. Kamala Har­ris gave a speech in Louisiana. The advanced team did­nt notice the mis­spelling of the state as Kamala gave the speech.

Democ­rats have noth­ing. They have hopes, they are run­ning through Geor­gia, Jan­u­ary 6.

Where is this on the front page? Democ­rats are run­ning from this. Although you may think that this isnt a big sto­ry on ABC, CNN, MSNBC, this is talked about more in the news­rooms on how to keep it qui­et. The Biden Cor­rup­tion Ring. Every­thing they dis­cuss with Don­ald Trump is every­thing that is actu­al­ly hap­pen­ing in the White House now. AS much as they want you to believe what hap­pened with Mick Mul­vaney is what is hap­pen­ing now.

There is a video from the back­up of his cell phone found on his aban­doned lap­top. They have since admit­ted that the lap­top was real. Hunter was on the board of Bris­ma, as an ener­gy exec. Amer­i­cans are send­ing 60–70 Bil­lion with Zelenks­ki call­ing Biden 3 times a week. 50–60 peo­ple signed a let­ter say­ing the lap­top was an atyp­i­cal Russ­ian elec­tion pro­pa­gan­da. The day these peo­ple signed the doc­u­ment they knew Joe Biden was a nation­al secu­ri­ty risk if he was elect­ed as pres­i­dent. Not Trump who said on Jan 6 that they were going to march to the capi­tol.

The video shows the pres­i­den­t’s son bathing in a trip­py green light indulging in drugs and alco­hol as he floats in the water, when he was at the rehab cen­ter. There is so much on the lap­top. We know Joe paid for the hook­ers, the rehab, the drugs, and Joe knew it was all going on. Joe sends Hunter hush mon­ey to try to keep him con­tained. Some­one is telling Joe that Hunter is a prob­lem. Joe is get­ting phone calls from some­one, maybe from the Chi­nese, as Hunter refers to a Chi­nese exec as the spy chief of Chi­na. If Biden will do this to hush his kid, what would he do to Zelen­s­ki and around the world, spend­ing the Amer­i­can peo­ple tax mon­ey. There is a rea­son why they tried to impeach Trump over Zelen­s­ki. Zelen­s­ki talks to Biden 3 times a week. And trump had a phone call with Pres­i­dent Zelen­s­ki and now trump knows. And Trump tells Zelen­s­ki that before he releas­es anoth­er pen­ny to Ukraine, Trump tells Zelen­s­ki to release the dirt on the laun­dro­mat of mon­ey and the Biden cor­rup­tion. Not a dime went out of this coun­try because it was the Amer­i­can peo­ple’s mon­ey.

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