Home / News / Lori talks about Harris, Boris Johnson, Biden, and Americans concerns

Lori talks about Harris, Boris Johnson, Biden, and Americans concerns

Kamala Har­ris is in need of some bet­ter speech writ­ers. In a 10 sec clip of her recent speech she said seri­ous­ly 3 times. There are some jobs that you are not able to drink or smoke on. You are at ground zero at a trag­ic inci­dent and all she can do is mud­dle through a few words. Could­nt they find some­one that could show a lit­tle more com­pas­sion? Then there is Biden that needs help walk­ing to and from the podi­um and now Jill is close by to jump in to help Joe if he goes off path. It is so hard for us to grasp as Amer­i­cans, that even if you hat­ed Trump you could­nt hate your coun­try enough to put Biden and Har­ris as our lead­ers.

Boris John­son is resign­ing as prime min­is­ter of UK and leader of the con­ser­v­a­tive par­ty, after months of tur­moil with sex­u­al har­rass­ment alle­ga­tions and more.

There is a leaked phone call between the pres­i­dent and his son, while the main­stream media claims that they havent ver­i­fied that it is the pres­i­dent. There have been deci­sions in the night to keep infor­ma­tion sup­pressed to keep those look­ing into the cor­rup­tion and play­ing oppo­si­tion to the evi­dence that is com­ing out to the Biden cor­rup­tion. When Peter Doocy was told direct­ly by Pres­i­dent Biden that he did not have any busi­ness deal­ing or had any knowl­edge of the deal­ing of his son Hunter. But, the voice­mail record­ing reflects just the oppo­site.

The Amer­i­can peo­ple are sup­posed to accept that there was noth­ing to see. Even his most pub­lic sup­port­ers are start­ing to side­step their claims. We know because Hunter is the son of a for­mer Sen­a­tor, for­mer Vice Pres­i­dent and now Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States, it is hard to accept that Joe Biden did­nt have infor­ma­tion about the deals and mon­ey Hunter was doing. The ques­tions sur­round­ing this cor­rup­tion ring are only get­ting loud­er. It will be more clear and dis­turb­ing, deals have been made and mon­ey has been exchanged direct­ly link­ing the Pres­i­den­t’s son to the bad char­ac­ters of the world.

The issues that Amer­i­cans are con­cerned with, 80% — econ­o­my and infla­tion, 3% — abor­tion, 1% — cli­mate change; And the Biden admin­is­tra­tion can only lay the blame on the gas sta­tion own­ers and oil com­pa­nies, in which they have rebutted that it is the fault of the Biden poli­cies.

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