Home / News / Lori talks about Bradford Freeman passing, local officer injury, GA Guidestones, and more

Lori talks about Bradford Freeman passing, local officer injury, GA Guidestones, and more

Brad­ford Free­man, the last sur­viv­ing mem­ber of Easy Com­pa­ny passed away yes­ter­day. Easy Com­pa­ny inspired the HBO Band of Broth­ers. The first week­end in Novem­ber Camp Toc­coa invites every­one that has ties to Band of Broth­ers and authors that have chron­i­cled the sto­ries of Easy Com­pa­ny. It is a cel­e­bra­tion of what they accom­plished and how they influ­enced the out­come of WWII. Camp Toc­coa has a re-enact­ment of the train­ing they did before head­ing to bat­tle.

Lift up in prayer Joe Fus­co. He was crit­i­cal­ly injured due to an acci­dent yes­ter­day.

The Elber­ton GA Guide­stones, the gran­ite cap­i­tal of GA. There has been con­tro­ver­sy sur­round­ing the struc­ture. The explo­sion dam­aged one of the pil­lars and the author­i­ties decid­ed to take down the remain­der of the struc­ture to elim­i­nate the dan­ger to peo­ple want­i­ng to see the after­math. The Guide­stones became a focus under the recent guber­na­to­r­i­al pri­ma­ry by Kan­diss Tay­lor who pledged to take the stones down. There have been pledges to replace and/or rebuild the struc­ture to the Elber­ton com­mis­sion­ers. The K9 unit that inves­ti­gat­ed the debris and detect­ed an explo­sive device and a secu­ri­ty cam­era did detect a vehi­cle leav­ing the area in the ear­ly morn­ing hours of Wednes­day.

There has been a group that has released a hit list of things to be destroyed and the Elber­ton Gran­ite for­ma­tion was on the list of 5–10 struc­tures.

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