Home / News / Lori talks about military and police recruitment, US leadership, abortion, fentanyl and more

Lori talks about military and police recruitment, US leadership, abortion, fentanyl and more

The recruit­ment for police offi­cers and mil­i­tary alike is down due to the treat­ment of the vet­er­ans and police offi­cers on the streets. The Army has cut ben­e­fits and pay for 40K nation­al guard and 22K reservists for not get­ting the vac­ci­na­tion for COVID. This affects 13% of the nation­al guard and 12% of reservists when our mil­i­tary is hav­ing dif­fi­cul­ty replac­ing per­son­nel. We have seen an all time low for enroll­ment in mil­i­tary, emer­gency response, police, fire depart­ment, etc.

The lead­er­ship of the Unit­ed States is lack­ing with the Vice Pres­i­dent and Pres­i­dent when they cant even give a heart­felt speech, only yelling and bul­ly­ing. The anger and bul­ly­ing when the pres­i­dent said equi­ty would be his num­ber one pol­i­cy and it is bul­ly­ing. The democ­rats only know how to blame oth­ers for their lack of lead­er­ship, now instead of Putin it is the Repub­li­can par­ty. He accus­es the Repub­li­cans for not hav­ing a plan for fight­ing infla­tion.

The far left is telling Biden he needs to vote on the abor­tion on demand as if his life depend­ing on it. As Biden announces for con­gress to cod­i­fy Roe so he can sign it. The AG is a part of the efforts. HHS is a part of the efforts.

The mil­lions that have crossed the bor­der is an unprece­dent­ed num­ber as a steady flow of immi­grants that cross the bor­der. We have had 3 mil­lion cross the bor­der since Biden took office. What will 4 years look like?

Mex­i­co says they have uncov­ered a huge amount of fen­tanyl that was ready to come over the bor­der, over 1200 pounds.

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