Home / News / Lori talks about the quick clean up of the GA Guide Stones, Justice Protests and more

Lori talks about the quick clean up of the GA Guide Stones, Justice Protests and more

Search con­tin­ues for the GA Guide Stones bomber. They dug up the time cap­sule under the Guide Stones and there was­nt any­thing there. Elbert Coun­ty cleaned up the debris very quick­ly. The GBI and all the inves­ti­ga­tion around the bomb sniff­ing dogs and it being roped off as a crime scene. And now it has been cleaned up so quick­ly.

The con­tin­ued protests around Supreme Court Jus­tices. There has­nt been any news on the leaked doc­u­ments from the Roe v Wade deci­sion. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion has­nt stopped the intru­sive protest­ing that has inter­rupt­ed the lives of our Jus­tices. Kavanaugh was dis­rupt­ed while din­ing and forced to flee the restau­rant. The protests out­side his home and the line of offi­cers out­side his home. The left is not going to stop until they abor­tion on demand.

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