Home / News / Lori talks about supply chain issues, DeSantis new voter bill, GOP takeover in Nov and more

Lori talks about supply chain issues, DeSantis new voter bill, GOP takeover in Nov and more

Amer­i­cans arent sit­ting wait­ing on the gov­ern­ment. We are help­ing one anoth­er by post­ing found sup­plies to share infor­ma­tion for baby for­mu­la.

Flu­o­ride is being removed from tap water in some cities. You may want to check to ensure there is flu­o­ride in the water, if it is impor­tant to you.

There are sup­plies for the vehi­cles that are being impact­ed with the sup­ply chain issues.

Why is it so hard to obtain the infor­ma­tion on the con­tents of the ships that are sit­ting off­shore wait­ing to be unloaded at our ports up and down the east and west coast.

These poli­cies arent just affect­ing ultra con­ser­v­a­tives, it is affect­ing every­one. We con­tin­ue to hear noth­ing about the plan to resolve the issues, unless it is about equi­ty and polit­i­cal the­ater.

DeSan­tis has just signed a bill to com­bat vot­er fraud, clean vot­er rolls, bal­lot har­vest­ing is now a 3rd degree felony, Zuck­er Bucks are offi­cial­ly banned, and changes to mail in bal­lot id require­ments.

GOP is to take 225 House seats in Novem­ber, 218 is the major­i­ty. But this will not hap­pen if we dont elect good sol­id con­ser­v­a­tives to rep­re­sent us in DC. All con­ser­v­a­tives must go to the polls and cast their vote to ensure a con­ser­v­a­tive take over. We must have a major­i­ty in the House and Sen­ate to stop the dam­age from the Biden admin­is­tra­tion.

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