Home / News / Lori talks about democrat push to get Joe out, who will be next, democrat eye states

Lori talks about democrat push to get Joe out, who will be next, democrat eye states

Young Toc­coa lit­tle league all stars dis­trict 7 12U cham­pi­ons head to Cartersville for the state play­offs this week­end.

The Pres­i­dent is head­ed to the mid­dle east, Israel and Sau­di Ara­bia.

The Biden allies are releas­ing a new hash­tag cam­paign #Don­tRun­Joe, which will be start­ed while he is away to the mid­dle east. The oth­er shoe that will drop will be the Hunter Biden scan­dal. There are links to con­nect Biden to Hunter to Chi­na, while he sells our oil reserves to Chi­na.

Now that we see more and more from Gavin New­som as he is eye­ing the demo­c­rat pres­i­den­tial tick­et. Even Stacey Abrams has her eyes on the White House.

His­to­ry shows that accord­ing to the approval rat­ings of the pres­i­dent, the low­er the poll num­bers for the pres­i­dent the bet­ter for the oppo­si­tion in upcom­ing elec­tions. It is promis­ing for the take over of the House and hope to take the Sen­ate.

It should be Geor­gians that decide the next gov­er­nor and not George Soros.
The oth­er area that the left is focused on is the impor­tance of the gov­er­nors in the states. They are real­iz­ing that the SCOTUS is giv­ing the rights back to the states. We will see more funds and lib­er­al vot­ers being poured into our state, as the democ­rats are eye­ing GA.

The His­pan­ic com­mu­ni­ty wants safe­ty and pro­tec­tion from the drug car­tels not to be com­pared to a break­fast taco. The state­ments by Jill Biden were degrad­ing to the His­pan­ic com­mu­ni­ty.

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