Home / News / BKP talks about Joe visits Saudi Arabia, our children, Starbucks, Jan 6, Elon Musk and Twitter

BKP talks about Joe visits Saudi Arabia, our children, Starbucks, Jan 6, Elon Musk and Twitter

Joe is off to see the crown prince in Sau­di Ara­bia. They are all hop­ing he says are you in on it. Biden claims that democ­rats want him to run in 2024 despite a poll find­ing that 64% would pre­fer anoth­er can­di­date.

Just in time, Fau­ci calls for masks indoors and warns us faces anoth­er COVID wave due to wan­ing immu­ni­ty to omi­cron vari­ant. He returns to TV to warn about the spread of BA‑5. We have video of a well respect­ed doc­tor that he is treat­ing more patients now from vac­cine injuries and COVID injuries. If you read the real facts on the vac­cine, it is real­ly dan­ger­ous.

They want to save our chil­dren unless a gun­man goes into the school in Uvalde and politi­cizes it and saves chil­dren from a virus that isnt harm­ful to them.
Nasa reveals first offi­cial deep space pic­tures $10 bil­lion James Webb space tele­scope cap­tures a dying star.

Star­bucks will close 16 of its stores in woke cities because staff is being accost­ed by cus­tomers high on drugs. Seat­tle, Los Ange­les, Port­land Philadel­phia and DC.

Watch­ing the Jan 6 com­mit­tee, the oth­er day they are try­ing to prove the Trump cau­sa­tion. The guy yes­ter­day is try­ing to prove casu­al­ty. While they are try­ing to prove causal­i­ty. There are pock­ets in the coun­try they have drawn cir­cles around and they have left the peo­ple to die and sub­ject to mas­sive vio­lence. Peo­ple are dying by the hun­dreds in these cities and not one is talk­ing about it.

Twit­ter sues Elon Musk for reneg­ing going back on his word. It was all a sham for refus­ing to hon­or his oblig­a­tions to the com­pa­ny and stock­hold­ers after he ter­mi­nat­ed the $44 bil­lion takeover deal. If you buy any­thing you have a 30-day due dili­gence peri­od. If you go to buy a house you have an offer agree­ment, and you give your­self a due dili­gence peri­od and every­thing you find to get cor­rect­ed. If the agree­ment is agreed upon dur­ing that time the deal can fall through.

BKP explains the bots on twit­ter, and buy­ing pho­ny bots from Rus­sia.

Ukraine World Con­gress to sue Cana­da for return­ing nor stream 1 tur­bine. Win­ter is com­ing. Today’s infla­tion is on us. Don’t get too excit­ed when the gas goes down.

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