Home / News / BKP talks about Biden, Department of Justice, court systems, and more

BKP talks about Biden, Department of Justice, court systems, and more

The open up the explo­ration of think­ing for your­self

News­pa­per in Cana­da with the track record that Trump lied about while in office. Biden comes out and they call it a gaffe. Biden is nev­er accused of lying by main­stream media. It’s not jus­tice for all, jus­tice for some for Amer­i­ca. Not all peo­ple are get­ting their cas­es in court. But the Depart­ment of Jus­tice is a dis­as­ter and they have $10B to look at galax­ies and $10B to send to Ukraine, fix the courts. Get that back for the Amer­i­can peo­ple. The DOJ is going to put togeth­er a task­force to watch states that go after women for cross­ing state lines for abor­tions. Biden tells an elab­o­rate sto­ry about a 10 yo being raped it was all a lie. Ohio AG says they cant find any evi­dence of a 10 yo raped child vic­tim.

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