Home / News / Lori talks about the 9.1% inflation, Biden adminstration ignoring issues and hurting Americans

Lori talks about the 9.1% inflation, Biden adminstration ignoring issues and hurting Americans

Peo­ple are tak­ing a vaca­tion despite the infla­tion jump from 1.4 % under Trump to 9.1% under Biden. It is as if your employ­er gave you a pay­cut. 99% of Amer­i­cans agree that Bidens poli­cies are awful. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion is an embar­rass­ment to our coun­try.

This admin­is­tra­tion looks the oth­er way on issues that dont fit into their agen­da. You won­der about the behind the scenes of the admin­is­tra­tion, with the slow recog­ni­tion of the Biden Scan­dal. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion turns their heads away from the vio­lence that con­tin­ues to rise, the immi­gra­tion human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis at the bor­der, the pain at the pump/grocery store/interest rates/property tax­es, and the list grows by the day.

The democ­rats say they are the par­ty for the poor­est among us, the minori­ties and the econ­o­my and infla­tion is hurt­ing those the most. We are all tired of hear­ing of the typ­i­cal politi­cian and are look­ing for lead­ers that are in con­nec­tion with the every­day peo­ple. We need more Repub­li­can lead­ers to come out.

The democ­rats are spend­ing mil­lions of dol­lars to make sure you get to the polls and promise you pipe dreams. We must come togeth­er and get out the vote. It is ours to lose.

When the Repub­li­cans take back the house and sen­ate we have the right lead­ers in place to relieve the Amer­i­can cit­i­zens from the pains of this econ­o­my. We have a great deal of our coun­ty that thinks it is ok for the gov­ern­ment to tell them what to do. For those who are want­i­ng some­one to take care of them, Amer­i­ca is not for you. Amer­i­ca is the land of the free and hard work­ing peo­ple.

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