Home / News / Lori talks about the border, abortion, government putting Americans at risk and more

Lori talks about the border, abortion, government putting Americans at risk and more

To say that the bor­der patrol agents are half way in con­trol of the bor­der is a pipe dream. The bor­der crossers are com­ing in droves each and every day. In most of the videos across the inter­net you dont see bor­der patrol agents but if you did what could they do. What on earth could our bor­der patrol agents do because they cant look at the crossers the wrong way in fear of the back­lash. For­tu­nate­ly the agents that were accused of whip­ping the hait­ian crossers, have been released from the accu­sa­tions and have been released back to work after months of admin­is­tra­tive leave.

The gov­ern­ment has put them­selves in posi­tions of such pow­er that they try to destroy oth­ers. Does that sound like lead­ers that love their coun­try? They are try­ing to lead our coun­try from behind and putting Amer­i­cans at risk.

The over­turn of Roe v Wade and giv­ing the deci­sion back to the states, can be an enor­mous legal bat­tle ahead for all the states. The only peo­ple that will be hap­py will be the attor­neys. We have all heard about the 10 year old that has been raped in Ohio. the left wants to focus on the abor­tion that she had to go across the state line to get the abor­tion. Not the fact that this lit­tle girl was raped by an ille­gal immi­grant. Maybe that ille­gal immi­grant would not have been here had the Pres­i­dent done his job and kept the Amer­i­can peo­ple safe from the evils that are cross­ing our bor­der.

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