Home / News / Lori and BKP talk about the 10 year old rape, the narrative that MSM is running, and more

Lori and BKP talk about the 10 year old rape, the narrative that MSM is running, and more


We have talked about how the DHS has issued warn­ings about the sum­mer of rage. We have seen some of tha with the July 4th tragedies. 

Lori and BKP talk about wom­en’s repro­duc­tive health. It’s not the rape the msm is con­cerned with it is the abor­tion. If the the 10 year old could have got­ten the abor­tion in Ohio would there have been a sto­ry? There are thou­sand being raped that are cross­ing the bor­der. That is why they don’t talk about the accuser and the hor­ren­dous act he has done on a child. It is the use of the sto­ry for the pro-choice pol­i­tics. If there is one com­mon theme with this admin­is­tra­tion is apa­thy, if it doesn’t fit their agen­da they don’t care. 

The George Soros fund­ing of the Jus­tice sys­tem and the evil things behind. And the fol­low­ing of Glenn Beck’s white­board teach­ings that has brought every­one into the light. 

Biden was upset that the girl had to cross state lines to get the abor­tion, not that she was raped. Appar­ent­ly the girl was 3 days past­ed the 6 weeks ban on abor­tion in Ohio. Curios­i­ty about the sto­ry, a rapist was found after the sto­ry blew up across the country. 

Do you think all the nextworks opened up with infla­tion? Now he opened up with Joe Biden in israel. Then fol­lowed by Trump’s wit­ness tam­per­ing. The media has to car­ry the mis­in­for­ma­tion to manip­u­late an elec­tion. If you are look­ing to have the elec­tion manip­u­lat­ed, the media is to dri­ve the nar­ra­tive, to dri­ve you think­ing. Many of amer­i­cans’ are bad­ly mis­in­formed with what has been tak­ing place in Ukraine. Many Amer­i­cans are under the impres­sion that Putin is doing very bad­ly and on the brink of col­lapse. Every­thing the deep state media does is in a time release cap­sule. What they always claim, what Trump does, they are guilty of them­selves. Democ­rats and pos­si­ble elec­tion tam­per­ing, Media and elec­tion manip­u­la­tion. If you are not look­ing in both lanes you are sur­prised when it comes to full bloom. 

The Jan6 com­mit­tee won’t rule out more hear­ings this summer.
They are going to raise inter­est rates 1 percent.
Infla­tion at 9.1%,
Joe Biden shuf­fling his feet in Israel. 

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