Home / News / BKP talks about the media, inflation, the rape of 10 yo girl, and more

BKP talks about the media, inflation, the rape of 10 yo girl, and more

We need to know that the media is com­plic­it with the manip­u­la­tion of the stolen elec­tion. Ana­lyz­ing if a Pres­i­dent came on TV to tell peo­ple to go home is irrel­e­vant to the $6000 the Amer­i­can peo­ple are los­ing with the infla­tion.

The lash­es out about going across state lines and sets up a task force at the DOJ to keep an eye on any state that wants to imple­ment a law or pros­e­cute a wor­man for cross­ing state lines for an abor­tion. The AG of Ohio says they cant find any­thing on this. Now under­stand there should be a lot of doc­u­men­ta­tion on the rape of a 10 year old. Who did she tell? Did she go to the author­i­ties? Did they do a blood test? Can they have an abor­tion? No, the girl is 3 days over??? Who­ev­er is putting the infor­ma­tion in the teleprompter, where did they get the infor­ma­tion, who is their source? After Biden made this claim, why did­nt they share all the infor­ma­tion? Where are all the details with­in min­utes of the claim, not days.

What mech­a­nism can the main­stream media use to move the agen­da for­ward? It is the abor­tion. The net­works are run­ning seg­ments dai­ly on the abor­tion devel­op­ments. Today is the phar­ma­cies cant deny fill­ing med­ica­tion to ter­mi­nate preg­nan­cies, SC ban chal­laenged, and 10 yo abor­tion (not rape). They seem to miss the fact that it is an ille­gal alien that raped the lit­tle girl.

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