Home / News / BKP talks about Pickens Co GOP, Europe, the truth, Biden family, and more

BKP talks about Pickens Co GOP, Europe, the truth, Biden family, and more

Pick­ens Coun­ty GOP wants to recount the bal­lots in 2 races from the may 24th pri­ma­ry. They want to unseal the bal­lots to count. Who made the seal­ing of the bal­lot holy? Who con­vinced you and the peo­ple out there the bal­lots are sealed. These bal­lots have no names, it cant be traced back to any­one. But for some rea­son as soon as they are sealed, it is like a holy cer­e­mo­ny to look at them in the box.

Sri Lan­ka peo­ple are upset over the cost of food, fuel and hous­ing and their deb­it is insur­mount­able.

Iran is prepar­ing to sup­ply Rus­sia with weapons capa­ble drones. Report­ed by Jake Sul­li­van. And why would you believe any­thing he says? Jake Sul­li­van is the guy that went out to sell to the media to get the nar­ra­tive run­ning that Trump had a back end serv­er to Alpha Bank and was com­pro­mised by the Rus­sians. Why would you believe any­thing that Jake Sul­li­van comes to the podi­um and says.

There are major prob­lems in Europe. Win­ter is com­ing and Europe is in trou­ble and Zelen­sky does­nt care. And every day when it’s need­ed Rus­sia does some­thing new to Ukraine. Zelen­sky does­nt care about the peo­ple with win­ter com­ing as long as Biden sends him mon­ey. The US sends anoth­er 1.7 b to Ukraine for human­i­tar­i­an aid pur­pos­es for the pay to hos­pi­tal work­ers. Where are the checks and bal­ances over there, with all our mon­ey going over there. Why does Biden keep send­ing mon­ey to Ukraine? For some rea­son when Biden has to send mon­ey some­thing gets bombed.

The world braces for Europe July 22 dooms­day. Nord Stream 1 is mov­ing prod­uct from point A to B, A being Rus­sia, B being Europe. It was shut down for main­te­nance and they had to send a tur­bine to Cana­da for main­te­nance. Trump told Ger­many you have a prob­lem and you need to solve it before Putin goes to Ukraine. July 22 the gas is sup­posed to come back up. Ukraine is suing Cana­da to stop the repair on the tur­bine.

Hunter Biden could face pros­ti­tu­tion charges for trans­port­ing hook­ers across state lines and dis­quis­ing checks to them as pay­ments for med­ical ser­vices. Spent $30K in five months on girl­friend expe­ri­ence.

Remem­ber Zelen­sky calls biden 3 times a week. Who is send­ing mon­ey as fast as Zelen­sky calls for it. You would think that Zelen­sky is Joe Bidens son and is pay­ing for his hook­ers.

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