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BKP talks about the untruthes of the left, Biden family, Europe and more

Why would you trust any­thing the left tell you? Why would you believe any­thing Jake Sul­li­van tells you when he was the same guy that told you that Trump was com­pro­mised by Rus­sia. Every­time they release mon­ey to Ukraine, it is lead in the news that Rus­sia has bombed Ukraine.

Ukrain­ian World Con­gress is report­ed to sue Cana­da for return­ing Nord Stream 1 tur­bine. Rus­sia said the delayed return of the Nord Stream 1 tur­bines has reduced flows of the pipeline to 40% capac­i­ty. How is Rus­sia gonna pay for the repair? They are trad­ing mon­ey with Rus­sia. There isnt any prob­lem trad­ing mon­ey with Rus­sia. On July 22, if they dont have that tur­bine back in place and flow­ing it will be bad for Europe.

Hunter Biden faces pros­ti­tu­tion charges. We have Hunter Biden wor­ried about the drug weight, run­ning round naked with hook­ers that Joe funds. Then Jill Biden is telling His­pan­ics that they are break­fast tacos and butcher­ing the span­ish lan­guage. And, Joe Biden telling lies at the podi­um about the 10 year old being raped. Years ago, Joe Biden taped telling con­gress that no one will have a piece of crack any big­ger than a quar­ter or the judge will throw the book the accused. Is it jus­tice for all? No. It’s injus­tice for the elite. While they throw the under­bel­ly of this coun­try in jail as fast as they can unless they are part of the drug car­tel. How do we not have the Biden fam­i­ly under inves­ti­ga­tion instead of the Jan­u­ary 6 hear­ing?

The DOJ is hav­ing a spe­cial task force to ensure that women wont get charged for cross­ing state lines to have abor­tion.

What did the fake Rus­sia Trump com­pro­mise cost you? Noth­ing absolute­ly noth­ing because there was noth­ing there. What did the Joe Biden/Hunter Biden com­pro­mis­ing cost you in Amer­i­ca? Infla­tion, high gas prices, etc.

Sen­a­tor Bar­ras­so (R‑WY) said Chaney (R‑WY) is unlike­ly to win her pri­ma­ry bat­tle, claim­ing there are not enough democ­rats to help her.

300 Vir­ginia state employ­ees resign amid Youngk­in’s new tele­work pol­i­cy. VA state employ­ees are not allowed to work from home unless they get a pass/approval from the Gov Chief of Staff under the new return to the office plan.

Joe Biden sold near­ly 1 mil­lion oil bar­rels from emer­gency reserves to state-owned chi­nese gas giant that Hunter pri­vate equi­ty firm had $1.7b stake in.

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