Home / Shows / BKP talks about Jan 6 select cmte and the Deep State Establishment working together

BKP talks about Jan 6 select cmte and the Deep State Establishment working together


Pat Cipol­lone went on Fri­day of last week. What they want you to believe. The Jan 6 com­mit­tee hired a pro­duc­er. Next Thurs­day they will do anoth­er prime­time spe­cial. Every­where this morn­ing bomb­shell tes­ti­mo­ny, but nowhere is Cipol­lone tes­ti­mo­ny is bombshell. 

They had Cas­sidy Hutchin­son bomb­shell tes­ti­mo­ny and Liz Chaney invites Cipol­lone on cam­era. And Cipol­lone goes behind closed doors so they can clip and piece togeth­er the way they want. Liz Chaney knows that Cipol­lone is going to tes­ti­fy before Cas­sidy tes­ti­fies. They nev­er intend on Steve Ban­non testifying. 

They have a plan and walk method­i­cal­ly through it. This is a made for tv movie and only one objec­tive for Trump to NEVER be pres­i­dent again. 

Oath keep­er guy gives a pas­sion­ate plea to the Amer­i­can peo­ple for Don­ald Trump to nev­er be pres­i­dent again. And he left when the tweet from Trump came out to go home. 

Matt Brack­en invit­ed peo­ple to the ral­ly, Alex Jones invit­ed peo­ple. Tim pool invit­ed peo­ple to the capi­tol. Trump tweet­ed on Dec 19, the invite to the capi­tol that “it will be wild”. The wildprotest.com web­site invites peo­ple to DC on Jan 6. 

The com­mit­tee is try­ing to show it was planned. They are pick­ing and choos­ing the exhibits. Ignor­ing the protest all around the coun­try, where bricks and sticks were pre-deliv­ered. T Shirts preprint­ed. Bus­es tak­ing peo­ple across amer­i­ca. The shields are sup­plied and umbrel­las are sup­plied. All ready to go. If you start look­ing at nasty social media call­ing for Trump to be hung. His head was cut off. Evil means dark­ness on social media. The show­ing of Jan 6 is nowhere equal to the evil that is going on in the country. 

Jamie Raskin said Trump’s tweet was a call to arms. The unhinged oval office meet­ing and Pat Cipolone came run­ning in to tell them to stop the plan. The deep state will not leave the Pres­i­dent alone. Mr Ayres goes to the Capi­tol on Jan 6 he goes in and looks around. Trump tweets he leaves. Since Jan 6, the FBI, DOJ goes and ruin his life and he is jailed. Was he offered to drop the charges if he goes in front of the coun­try say­ing Trump’s tweet calls him to the capi­tol and trump’s tweet tells him to go home. 

Ash­ley Bab­bitt was killed on the day of Jan 6 in the capi­tol with­out recog­ni­tion. George Floyd is killed, a thug, drug addict gets a stat­ue and a law, the polic­ing act. 

Let’s say that 500K peo­ple went to DC on Jan 6. After Trumps speech 495K went home. While 5K stormed the capi­tol and a few hun­dred went in. The Jan 6 select com­mit­tee mak­ing a big deal out of nothing. 

The Capi­tol employ­ees were able to get the peo­ple out and sweep up the bro­ken glass so Con­gress could fin­ish the busi­ness of the day. The busi­ness of the day was to col­lect the elec­toral col­lege vote and cer­ti­fiy the elec­tion. With all they claimed hap­pened that day, they were still able to move for­ward with busi­ness of the day. It’s all about Don­ald Trump nev­er being pres­i­dent again. If they are all Trump sup­port­ers com­ing to Jan 6, are they switch­ing alle­giance? Who are they switch­ing too? PENCE. 

Pence came to cam­paign the night before the elec­tion in GA. Mike Pence is slow­ly mov­ing back into pol­i­tics. Every time Mike Pence talks, he boasts about the accom­plish­ments of the admin­is­tra­tion. Are all these Trump sup­port­ers are the peo­ple that will be the ratio­nal rea­son why Amer­i­can peo­ple should move over to Mike Pence. There aren’t any coin­ci­dences that Pence was in GA before the elec­tion. Pat Cipolone was the guy that defend­ed Trump dur­ing the impeach­ment, now he defends Pence for his “coura­geous job” on Jan 6 and says he deserves the Medal of Free­dom. Wait for the commercials. 

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