Home / News / BKP talks about recent decline in gas prices, November elections may not be easy and more

BKP talks about recent decline in gas prices, November elections may not be easy and more

Hun­gary declares an ener­gy emer­gency over the threat of short­ages.

As the Joe Biden sto­ries wit Hunter Biden. Joe made a deci­sion to release oil from the strate­gic oil reserves as he sold oil to Chi­na where Hunter was attached and now we have gas prices going down.

Rus­sia sent a tur­bine to Cana­da, Zelen­sky is sue Cana­da to not sent it back to Rus­sia. With Win­ter com­ing.

There is no way that the democ­rats should be any­where close. And the MSM is telling you that the races are tight­en­ing.

In the House the repub­li­cans should eas­i­ly take over but might be 50/50 or close major­i­ty of the Sen­ate. The democ­rats think they can take GA, PA, OH, AZ. Her­schel Walk­er is a good man. Warnock is a pho­ny fake min­is­ter, he is evil with a nice smile. Evil could con­vince peo­ple of doing wrong, and doing wrong, under the guise of nice. Her­schel walk­er is not his best in front of peo­ple. Her­schel Walk­er is ready to debate. They want you to believe that there are peo­ple that will vote for Kemp for gov­er­nor but for sen­a­tor they will vote for warnock, because he is calm and has a grasp of the issues.

Any of you think that come Novem­ber it will be a slam dunk. We have a lot of work ahead of us.

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