Home / News / BKP talks about mass shootings and the comparison between Uvalde and Indiana

BKP talks about mass shootings and the comparison between Uvalde and Indiana

The fail­ure of the 19 kids dead in Uvalde and 2 teach­ers. The media par­tic­i­pat­ed in lying to the pub­lic about how the kid got the gun. If we read every­thing that took place in Uvalde, there was an oppor­tu­ni­ty to kill the guy before he entered the school. The school prop­er­ty is fund­ed through tax mon­ey. The tax­pay­ers fund the schools and bus­es. How did schools become hal­lowed ground where you have to ask per­mis­sion to go into them.

Egre­gious poor deci­sion mak­ing near­ly 400 cops gath­ered at Uvalde school before any­one did any­thing. The Uvalde police chief tried to nego­ti­ate with the shoot­er. The police chief was the one that wrote the active shoot­er pol­i­cy for the school. Your local city police or sher­iff and have a cou­ple of inspec­tions on school safe­ty before school starts. The Police Chief was try­ing to nego­ti­ate with the shoot­er on the oth­er side of the class­room door while shots were fired. It was unor­ga­nized because schools are hal­lowed ground. There are rules on who can go in with a weapon, who can dis­charge a weapon inside the school. New body cam footage shows cops wait­ing out­side school for 77 min­utes while the shoot­er killed 19 chil­dren and 2 teach­ers. Damn­ing report into Uvalde school shoot­ing reveals sys­temic fail­ures and egre­gious poor deci­sion mak­ing across state, fed­er­al and local law. One of the big fail­ures that is hap­pen­ing in Amer­i­ca today that will stop the school shoot­ings, place peo­ple in the schools that are trained in active shoot­ing sit­u­a­tions and can take down the gun­man. Although there isnt a failed safe plan, we have to start some­where to stop the mad­ness.

Indi­ana shop­ping mall shoot­er shot by con­sti­tu­tion­al car­ry cit­i­zen. This isnt get­ting much air play because it does­nt fit the nar­ra­tive. This can not fur­ther their cause. They cant claim that con­sti­tu­tion­al car­ry works. That good guys shoot bad guys. The real hero of the day, the 22 year old con­sti­tu­tion­al car­ry law abid­ing cit­i­zen. If a black per­son with a wrap sheet was involved, we would know more than just a good samar­i­tan.

We the peo­ple take our schools back that belong to us and we arm our teach­ers and allow the police to come in and do what they need to do to stop the insan­i­ty.

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