Home / Featured Segments / BKP talks about November election, the House, the Senate, and fight ahead for Senate

BKP talks about November election, the House, the Senate, and fight ahead for Senate

No one is pay­ing atten­tion. They are on vaca­tion, not think­ing about Novem­ber. Now it is like deer sea­son and vot­ing sea­son. You have elec­tion month, not day. No one is pay­ing atten­tion. When you see a poll that does­nt make sense, it is com­mon this ear­ly in the elec­tion cycle. Pol­i­tics is an indus­try. A mul­ti bil­lion dol­lar indus­try. There are peo­ple that pro­duce polit­i­cal ads that run across the coun­try. There are more peo­ple work­ing from sea to shin­ing sea in pol­i­tics than prob­a­bly in the man­u­fac­tur­ing. They have to have some­thing strung all the time to the media. They throw a bone if things go qui­et. Rolling Stone, Trump tells the team he needs to be pres­i­dent again to save him­self from crim­i­nal probes. If Trump announces before Novem­ber 4, BKP thinks it is a big prob­lem. Trump against Biden is a slam dunk. If Trump is run­ning against anoth­er demo­c­rat. He has to do some­thing dif­fer­ent­ly.

There is a slam dunk in the House. The democ­rats arent talk­ing about it. Repub­li­cans will have a major­i­ty in the House in Jan­u­ary. As we get clos­er to the elec­tion, you will hear more from DCCC in the house dis­tricts that are close and min­i­mize loss­es in areas that are going to stun all polit­i­cal cir­cles such as the Mayra Flo­res elec­tion. His­pan­ics are get­ting out before it’s too late. Mayra Flo­res, the first woman Mex­i­can born repub­li­can, was a demo­c­rat. They are get­ting the mes­sage now unlike our black friends. Black Amer­i­can vot­ers are mov­ing repub­li­can but a good por­tion are sad­ly stuck. The democ­rats put them in pub­lic hous­ing and in the posi­tion they are in they are in now. There are a cou­ple of house dis­tricts that will be mon­u­men­tal.

The sen­ate on the oth­er hand. The sen­ate is not a lock. If repub­li­cans take the house and the sen­ate we do stop the crazy. We have to quit rely­ing on Joe Manchin a demo­c­rat, to save repub­li­cans from Joe Biden. The only way to do it is to take over the sen­ate in a major­i­ty way where Mitt Rom­ney and Susan Collins are irrel­e­vant.

Democ­rats at war: Bernie Sanders accus­es Joe Manchin of inten­tion­al­ly sab­o­tag­ing Bidens agen­da. Bernie Sanders is angry. Repub­li­cans cant raise funds. The key states, GA, PA, OH, AZ. there will be a fight over the sen­ate. That is their hope. The sen­ate appoints judi­cial seats. Judges. Sen­ate can­di­date fundrais­ing, democ­rats are slaugh­ter­ing repub­li­cans in fundrais­ing. But you have to remem­ber that the demo­c­rat par­ty has become the Rich White Elite and the cor­po­rate par­ty and the repub­li­can par­ty is the work­ing class ordi­nary peo­ple who are strug­gling with infla­tion.

Fed­der­man had a stroke the night of the pri­ma­ry and was run­ning against Con­nor Lamb who is the cur­rent rep­re­sen­ta­tive who is a more mod­er­ate can­di­date, but Fed­er­man won with a land­slide. Now Oz has a new cam­paign ad going against Fed­der­mans health issues and his left­est ideas.

It’s the sen­ate. The sen­ate is a dif­fer­ent kind of ani­mal. It will be dif­fi­cult for repub­li­cans. Remind them every sin­gle day that a vote for a demo­c­rat is to con­tin­ue to live in Joe Bidens Amer­i­ca. If you want to con­tin­ue to say that Joe Biden is the worst pres­i­dent since Jim­my Carter. Many peo­ple dont remem­ber and it was­nt taught in school.

They want you to believe that Warnock is over Walk­er. They want you to believe that Kemp is over Abrams. Hage­man is over Chaney. They want you to believe that peo­ple are going to vote for Warnock for Sen­ate and Kemp for Gov­er­nor.
The House is a lock. The Democ­rats know that the Sen­ate is what they need to save. There will be media that will say and polit­i­cal analy­sis will say that the Amer­i­can peo­ple like to keep the bal­ance of how they can best gov­ern. They will start high­light­ing the need for a split Con­gress.

You have to remem­ber Joe Manchin is rel­e­vant today. And you can be hap­py that he is block­ing the spend­ing pack­ages. It is our fault that he is rel­e­vant and we have to make him irrel­e­vant. We just came off the best con­sti­tu­tion­al court deci­sion in Amer­i­can his­to­ry. If the democ­rats have the sen­ate for anoth­er 2 years see how many judges they put on a wrong judge, like Ken­tan­ji

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