Home / News / BKP talks about Manchin’s block, man in female prison, Pelosi 5 million stock buys, and more

BKP talks about Manchin’s block, man in female prison, Pelosi 5 million stock buys, and more


There is a lot of dis­cus­sion that GA could go to Kemp Warnock. 

They want a cli­mate change bill. They want to lie to you that they could address infla­tion, gas prices, pre­scrip­tion drugs. By Joe Manchin block­ing the bill, he is block­ing the left. It is the green new deal that he is blocking. 

What’s wrong with this sen­tence, trans­gen­der woman who impreg­nat­ed 2 inmates? If we don’t stop this and clear it up today, it is game over. This is a man that impreg­nat­ed 2 females. It takes a man, not a trans­gen­der woman. The trans­gen­der woman, com­pains that he was mis­gen­dered and beat­en by cor­rec­tion offi­cers dur­ing trans­fer. He is serv­ing a 30 year sen­tence for manslaugh­ter. It is game over in this coun­try if we con­tin­ue to let the Biden admin­is­tra­tion fur­ther this non­sense of gen­der politics. 

Paul Pelosi buys mil­lions in semi­con­duc­tor stock before big sub­sidy vote. He pur­chased up to 5 mil­lion in stock options on semi-con­duc­tor chip com­pa­nies ahead of a vote on leg­is­la­tion next week that would deliv­er bil­lions of dol­lars in sub­si­dies to boost the chip-man­u­fac­tur­ing industry. 

Hunter Biden’s lap­top shows mul­ti­ple meet­ings with his dad and busi­ness part­ners. At least 30 times at the White House or the Vice President’s res­i­dence. Hunter was relay­ing mes­sages to his father on behalf of for­eign clients and cast new doubt on the pres­i­den­t’s repeat­ed denials that he had any role in the son’s shady over­seas busi­ness deal­ings. The meet­ings were found in review of the per­son­al cal­en­dar on Hunter laptop. 

Indi­ana shop­ping mall shoot­er shot dead by armed good Samar­i­tan police say. A guy with a gun, legal­ly pur­chased, shot a guy that was shoot­ing in a shop­ping mall.
Near­ly 400 cops gath­ered at uvalde school before any­one did any­thing. The media whipped every­one in a fren­zy and we now have a piece of leg­is­la­tion that is uncon­sti­tu­tion­al but has to go before the supreme court to get struck down but how long will that take. 

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