Home / Featured Segments / Lori talks about food banks, November election, Biden Border Policy mess and more

Lori talks about food banks, November election, Biden Border Policy mess and more

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Over 60% of Amer­i­cans are liv­ing pay­check to pay­check. Amer­i­cans look­ing to recon­sid­er what can be done with­out. The food banks are in high­er need due to more cit­i­zens turn­ing to food banks to feed their fam­i­lies.

Absen­tee bal­lots can be request­ed start­ing August 22 for the Novem­ber elec­tion.

The bor­der reached record lev­els over the week­end. The coy­otes give the immi­grants wrist­bands to make sure they have paid. Texas offi­cials are get­ting frus­trat­ed with the Abbott admin­is­tra­tion to stop the flow of immi­grants at the bor­der. The amount of fen­tanyl cross­ing the bor­der. 458K in 2020. In 2022 we are at 1.7 mil­lion and months to go. One of the lat­est over­dos­es came from a lady and it is believed that she got the fen­tanyl from a dol­lar bill. It is not drug car­tels and addicts that are being killed, it is just being exposed that is killing amer­i­cans. Over 6–7K crossers a day that is known. 150 nations are rep­re­sent­ed in the bor­der crossers. It is esti­mat­ed there are over 400K of get-aways that crossed the bor­der. This human tragedy is get­ting worse and worse by the day. We know this is an inten­tion­al plot to destroy our coun­try by the Biden admin­is­tra­tion. The buck stops with Bidens failed admin­is­tra­tion when we hear of the lit­tle girls 5 and 6 year olds get­ting raped at the bor­der.

Name a pol­i­cy that the biden admin­is­tra­tion has issued that will ben­e­fit amer­i­can fam­i­lies.

Home­less shel­ters are get­ting full in Wash­ing­ton DC, Bows­er says that the immi­grants are being tricked to get on the bus­es to Wash­ing­ton DC. The resources at the bor­der and the states that are get­ting the major­i­ty of the immi­grants are get­ting stretched to the lim­its.

We know there are bad char­ac­ters that have been released into our coun­try. The depart­ment of jus­tice and home­land secu­ri­ty need to step up and pro­tect the Amer­i­can peo­ple from the evil that is cross­ing the bor­der.

Who thought it would be ok to elect a man to the white house that did not put Amer­i­ca first.

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