Home / News / BKP talks about Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia, Biden’s claim that the US is back and more

BKP talks about Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia, Biden’s claim that the US is back and more

Joe Biden goes to Sau­di Ara­bia. Biden stands 6 feet from the crown prince. The Sau­di for­eign min­is­ter says he did­nt hear you accuse. The crown prince of khashog­gis mur­der. Is he telling the truth? Biden went to Sau­di Ara­bia. Beg­ging and talk­ing about our stand­ing in the world. The pres­i­dent is expect­ed to leave the region with­out any con­crete com­mit­ments from the gulf state on increas­ing oil pro­duc­tion. Biden tells mid­dle east lead­ers that the US is not going any­where. Chi­na and Rus­sia have a foothold in the mid­dle east. Why did­nt Biden write a let­ter to ask for more oil? Joe isnt Trump and oil is going up to $100 a bar­rel. Trump would have already put their foot down. The world loved Trump, except for the Deep State. When Biden says to the mid­dle east the US isn’t going any­where. But when you have to tell some­one it is coun­ter­pro­duc­tive, a net loss. Biden did­nt have a vision for the trip, and came across as a polit­i­cal cow­ard. The trip did not reset the Sau­di US rela­tions. $26 bil­lion nuclear plant in Egypt by Rus­sia. The media dont have a proud bone in their body to be an Amer­i­can. They work for the deep state, a cor­rupt media. If Biden has got Amer­i­ca back and the only excite­ment you can get from the media is Macron, Trudeau, Zelen­skyy. Biden’s trip to Sau­di Ara­bia was a dis­as­ter.

They are want­i­ng to hold Putin for human­i­tar­i­an issues and war crimes. Where is the UN at our south­ern bor­der?

Close to 400 offi­cers out­side the school in Uvalde.

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