Home / News / Lori talks about Biden’s Saudi visit, Harris’ Staffers quitting, Democrat disaster, and more

Lori talks about Biden’s Saudi visit, Harris’ Staffers quitting, Democrat disaster, and more

The fist bump heard around the world. Mem­bers of his own par­ty have been very crit­i­cal of Bidens trip over to Sau­di Ara­bia. It seems that noth­ing has been achieved by the vis­it to the mid­dle east. The trip is being viewed that he isnt against fos­sil fuels, just amer­i­can fos­sil fuels.

No one prof­its more than the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment from the strug­gles of Amer­i­cans.

It is hard to hide the images of Biden sleep­ing dur­ing meet­ings in the mid­dle east.

How many times did we hear what an embar­rass­ment DJT was as pres­i­dent, and look at what we have now.

Har­ris is los­ing 2 more peo­ple in her staff. Her newest speech writer who has been on staff since April and is already look­ing for a new job. Could it be because they have a lack of respect for staff aids and are ignored.

Repub­li­cans need to be loud and bold.

The more we hear about Hunter Biden and the more we hear about the deals that were made. There has to be key democ­rats that have full knowl­edge of what hap­pened and they have used all their pow­er to keep the details under wraps with the main­stream media. There are increas­ing calls for Biden not to run in 2024. The democ­rats are see­ing they are los­ing their base because of the insta­bil­i­ty of the Biden fam­i­ly.

The democ­rats know how and why the leak from the supreme court. It was to cre­ate fear among the base that they are los­ing. It was to reit­er­ate the fact that you cant trust the repub­li­cans.

Bkp lori
The Chica­go Tri­bune has an arti­cle say­ing that Warnock should run for pres­i­dent.

Where is the vote to stop the human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis at the bor­der with the rape of the women and chil­dren. The allow­ing of the egre­gious acts at the bor­der is awful. We need mus­cle and no more speak­ing.

The world should know that the US is back, Biden should not have to go tell them.

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