Home / Featured Segments / BKP and Lori talk about Girls Sports, local Election Board, gas prices, Biden exit plan and more

BKP and Lori talk about Girls Sports, local Election Board, gas prices, Biden exit plan and more


Trans­gen­der Lia Thomas has been nom­i­nat­ed for Woman of the Year. Girls sports has tak­en so long to build up and the insan­i­ty of the far left agen­da is break­ing it down. The out­ra­geous notion to say that Lia Thomas can be nom­i­nat­ed as a Woman of the Year, where the true ath­letes that have worked so hard to get there they are, are being dis­missed and set aside. 

BKP talks about if you can’t fath­om the thought of sui­cide, it is hard to put your­self in the shoes of some­one who has or on the verge of sui­cide. It is hard to pick up even for those who are clos­est to us. 

In a hear­ing not long ago they couldn’t define a woman, when they are try­ing to mur­der the unborn they know exact­ly who a woman is. If the Ameir­can peo­ple can believe that trans­gen­der women are not men, then they can be con­vinced of any­thing. Amer­i­cans need to stand up and put a stop to it. 

Tonight the Pick­ens Coun­ty elec­tion board will meet to dis­cuss the Christo­pher Mora request to recount the bal­lots from the May 24 pri­ma­ry in the gov­er­nor race and sec­re­tary of state race. Chero­kee coun­ty is also peti­tion­ing to recount their bal­lots. VORA will be in atten­dance at the Pick­ens Coun­ty meet­ing tonight at 6:30

Repub­li­cans have every rea­son to uni­fy to elect a real con­sti­tu­tion­al Repub­li­can in Novem­ber. Why is the heart of the Repub­li­can par­ty not allow­ing the uni­fi­ca­tion of the par­ty? What hap­pened in GA could hap­pen in AZ. The democ­rats and the estab­lish­ment side of the repub­li­can par­ty try to take down trump. Liz Chaney, Mike Pence, Doug Ducey, Chris Christie. Trump sup­port­ers will only sup­port Ron DeSan­tis for pres­i­dent if Trump doesn’t run. 

The Media is excit­ed that gas is down 50cents under $4 in some places. July 20, 2020 gas was $1.88/gallon. Jared Bern­stein is the new face at the white house to come out and say that gas prices are com­ing down and will save Amer­i­cans $25/month. Kemp has extend­ed the state gas tax until August, .30 cents a gal­lon. Nation­al aver­age is 4.50 a gal­lon. The fastest decrease in his­to­ry. You have an admin­is­tra­tion about the jobs report that cre­at­ed noth­ing because it was the Amer­i­cans get­ting back to work as the coun­try opens back up from COVID. Now the admin­is­tra­tion is cel­e­brat­ing the sav­ings in gas for the fastest decline. 

They knew when they picked Biden to run, they knew Oba­ma was going down the street and telling Biden what to do. They knew in Biden’s admin­is­tra­tion in his first term they had to plan his exit strat­e­gy. The exit strat­e­gy is the media doing a com­par­i­son of his polling to pre­vi­ous pres­i­dents, espe­cial­ly how he stacks up to Trump. CNN is not report­ing the neg­a­tives on Biden to help repub­li­cans, it is a strat­e­gy. Maybe to help the estab­lish­ment Republicans. 

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