Home / News / BKP talks about republican campaigns, Where’s Biden, AOC pretending and more

BKP talks about republican campaigns, Where’s Biden, AOC pretending and more

Politi­cians are past 2020. Donors dont want to write checks to can­di­dates that wont let go of the 2020 elec­tion. They are even going as far as not to men­tion Don­ald Trump. Sources say at the Repub­li­can fundrais­er in Alpharet­ta last night there was not a men­tion of Don­ald Trump. Burt Jones, can­di­date for Lt. Gov­er­nor, along with David Shafer were at the event. Burt Jones and David Shafer were a part of the 16 GOP elec­tors for the 2020 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion and are being sub­poe­naed in the Ful­ton Co Grand Jury. David Shafer is one of the 16 Repub­li­cans under inves­ti­ga­tion for sub­mit­ting dodgy paper­work , claim­ing for­mer pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump won the Peach state in the 2020 elec­tion.

Where is Joe Biden? It has been days. BKP plays a mon­tage of the inco­her­ent speech­es of Joe Biden. Repub­li­cans need to go over and over liv­ing in Joe Bidens Amer­i­ca. If Repub­li­cans dont show the dis­as­ter of Joe Bidens Amer­i­ca and leave behind Amer­i­cans in Afghanistan.

AOC faked being hand­cuffed when she was escort­ed from the Supreme Court at an abor­tion protest. What will they fake?

The past few days there has­nt been any sign of Joe Biden, no pub­lic sched­ule. Joe Biden was out briefly yes­ter­day to deliv­er flow­ers to the First Lady of Ukraine. The reports are that he is very busy. He is going to Rhode Island today to sign an exec­u­tive order to save polar bears. They dont know what to do now. He cant fly into an area with­out democ­rats there to escort and direct him. White House has been say­ing that they are going to ramp up his trav­el but it has­nt hap­pened yet. Who will stand on the stage with Biden and cam­paign.

The Ful­ton Coun­ty DA is the block to help get Abrams/Bailey/Jordan in office in GA.

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