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BKP talks about Pickens Co, energy comparison, electric vehicles, and more


BKP went down to the Pick­ens coun­ty Board of Elec­tion meet­ing last night. Where they vot­ed 3–1 with a demo­c­rat vote to instruct the coun­ty attor­ney to write the court order allow­ing the board to unseal the bal­lots from the repub­li­can pri­ma­ry to audit their bal­lots. Also Chero­kee Coun­ty GA is attempt­ing to do the same thing to recount 60K ballots. 

It’s sum­mer. It’s hot and the humid­i­ty is bad. CNN is report­ing the weath­er reports as their top sto­ry. BKP remem­bered as a kid about the sto­ries in the city where they opened the hydrants for the kids to play in. Now it is being report­ed that 60 mil­lion Amer­i­cans may see over 100 degrees. Experts say humid­i­ty will increase with heat. 

With all the heat, Amer­i­cans are run­ning their AC to keep cool. As the ordi­nary peo­ple are strug­gling to pay for the gas and ener­gy, Pete Buttiegeg is telling us as the pain increas­es at the pump, the more ben­e­fit there is to access elec­tric vehicles. 

Aver­age house­hold uses 17% of their ener­gy every year to run their ACs. Amer­i­cans would use 4 times as much ener­gy to charge elec­tric vehi­cles. It is not uncom­mon to ride by a house and see mul­ti­ple vehi­cles. Amer­i­cans that have 2–3‑4 cars in the dri­ve, imag­ine the fight over the charg­er in the garage. 

It’s hot, it’s sum­mer time. WE can­not achieve the goals of 50% of vehi­cles being elec­tric cars. As Gina Rai­mon­do, Sec­re­tary of Com­merce (Fmr Gov­er­nor of Rhode Island) tells us that the admin­is­tra­tion is mov­ing as fast as they can away from fos­sil fuels. 

Any repub­li­can out there. You don’t have to put out a sin­gle request to send mon­ey to the MAGA. You send out emails, ads remind­ing peo­ple the pain we are feel­ing is Joe Biden America. 

If you’re upset you don’t get to charge your phone, you will real­ly love the elec­tric car charg­ing world. 

AOC pre­tend­ing she is hand­cuffed. Liv­ing in Joe Biden’s America. 

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