Home / Featured Segments / BKP talks about the House, the Senate, ESPN interview, republican campaign message and more

BKP talks about the House, the Senate, ESPN interview, republican campaign message and more

Yes­ter­day, BKP said the house is in the bag. We are already watch­ing the media and not dis­cussing the house. They have come to the real­iza­tion that the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives is going to the Repub­li­cans. What the house does is hold inves­ti­ga­tions, com­pile infor­ma­tion, it could just be good tv. The Jan 6 inves­ti­ga­tion is cre­at­ing a cri­sis and a witch hunt. Repub­li­cans will have some very good stuff to inves­ti­gate in the house.

The US Sen­ate. Democ­rats are hop­ing. The biggest loss­es for democ­rats have been in the courts. The courts have stopped unlaw­ful exec­u­tive orders. The courts have been stop­ping the over­reach of pres­i­dents writ­ing exec­u­tive orders that are not law. And stop­ping the behe­moth bureau­cra­cies that are writ­ing rules not laws. The democ­rats can hold on to the Sen­ate. The democ­rats are telling the Amer­i­can peo­ple that repub­li­cans have ter­ri­ble can­di­dates. The mon­ey that is prob­a­bly pushed into the house races is being pushed into the Sen­ate, over­all the democ­rats are out fundrais­ing the repub­li­cans. But they will push funds from can­di­dates that they think they can win. The Fundrais­ing is com­ing in for the democ­rats from white lib­er­al elite democ­rats. The repub­li­can can­di­dates cant raise mon­ey because their vot­er base is strug­gling to feed their fam­i­ly.

ESPN called BKP to do an inter­view on how Her­schel Walk­er was on the trail and how he was per­ceived by the pub­lic. ESPN is doing an in depth arti­cle on Her­schel’s life. Peo­ple love Her­schel Walk­er. In GA, God part­ed the Red Sea and then there is Her­schel Walk­er. His oppo­nent, Rafeal Warnock, has spent his whole life talk­ing peo­ple out of their mon­ey. Her­schel Walk­er has worked his whole life for his mon­ey. Ques­tion: did Moses stut­ter?

Nation­al Repub­li­cans should show how Amer­i­cans are liv­ing in Joe Bidens America./ fan­ta­sy world fueled by elec­tric fan­ta­sy.

93% of small busi­ness­es fear reces­sion.

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