Home / News / Lori talks about keeping Patriotism alive, elections, the evil in the country and more

Lori talks about keeping Patriotism alive, elections, the evil in the country and more

Who would have thought that you would have to turn to alter­na­tive news sources if you want­ed to par­tic­i­pate in patri­ot­ic news and love for our coun­try. It is way beyond the par­ty you align with or what church you go to. We should all be proud of our great nation. WE do have our prob­lems but through our strug­gles we have come togeth­er for the love of our coun­try. What is dis­turb­ing when peo­ple in pow­er dont show they dont love our coun­try.

The Stephens coun­ty com­mis­sion­ers meet­ing yes­ter­day, there were peo­ple to explain that the insur­ance for coun­ty work­ers has increased and the increase in prop­er­ty tax. With the increase of tourists dur­ing the pan­dem­ic and find­ing homes in our area and the sales of homes increased to pre­mi­um rates which is caus­ing our tax­es to be raised. In Stephens coun­ty it will be 8% this year and look­ing at much more next year.

Midterms are right round the cor­ner, find your active local GOP par­ty to get plugged in to ensure our vot­ing rights are not tak­en away. Ear­ly vot­ing will be right around the cor­ner. Last night Stephens Coun­ty GOP had train­ing on poll work­ers and watch­er train­ing. In the 9th dis­trict in North GA we have a strong repub­li­can pres­ence and if you are able to trav­el, poll watch­ers are need­ed in oth­er areas clos­er to the metro areas. The new guide­lines for absen­tee bal­lots have to ver­i­fy name, sig­na­ture (which is very dif­fi­cult because work­ers are not experts in hand­writ­ing), now the vot­er must pro­vide the last four dig­its of your social secu­ri­ty num­ber. Andrew Clyde will be the guest in August at the Stephens Coun­ty GOP.

The Ada Cox series is going on in Toc­coa, which is a sum­mer music series that is a won­der­ful fam­i­ly event. If it rains it is at the his­toric Ritz The­ater.

Thoughts and prayers for the fam­i­ly of the sol­dier that was struck by light­ning at Fort Gor­don, 9 oth­er sol­diers are injured.

Last night was the Jan 6 spe­cial and they con­tin­ue to keep Jan 6 rel­e­vant for the Novem­ber midterms. There isnt any­one on the com­mit­tee that has a love for Don­ald Trump. Name any oth­er destruc­tion of pub­lic or pri­vate prop­er­ty that we have had this much dis­cus­sion. All the small busi­ness­es that are los­ing their busi­ness because of the loot­ing and break ins. They want to talk about fear, riot­ing, mobs, look at what else is hap­pen­ing con­cur­rent­ly with the jan 6 inves­ti­ga­tion. We have chil­dren being raped and molest­ed at the bor­der. We have fen­tanyl com­ing across our bor­der at record num­bers. 150 coun­tries com­ing across our bor­der, at one point we had dif­fer­ent things in place that con­trolled the flow. When you see all these mil­i­tary aged men com­ing across the bor­der and you have to think what are their inten­tions in this coun­try, case in point the July 4th planned shoot­ing in and the rape of the 10 year old lit­tle girl. Look at how Kavanaugh and his fam­i­ly have been threat­ened, you would think this is what Con­gress is focused on. The neigh­bors of Kavanaugh are scared. Where are all these talk­ing heads that spit on free­dom?

At Dis­ney World King­dom, there were 2 fam­i­lies that had an all out brawl over an argu­ment.

The father told the 4 year old to shoot the police if they were to touch him. For­tu­nate­ly the child did not fire the weapon.

There are numer­ous oth­er issues that our coun­try is fac­ing, but all they focus on is going after the pres­i­dent that was con­cerned about the Amer­i­can peo­ple. He may have been hard on Con­gress but he loved the ordi­nary peo­ple.

Lori plays Paul Har­vey, If I were the Dev­il, we have to pay atten­tion as all of this is devel­op­ing right before our eyes. Paul Har­vey saw what was com­ing. And over a hun­dred years ago, it was described that we would be destroyed from with­in. We have to do our part to teach our chil­dren the love for our coun­try and the free­doms we have as Amer­i­cans. It is our job as par­ents to teach our chil­dren the respect of our flag.

Van Jones explains why black vot­ers are frus­trat­ed with Biden. It was promised to get bet­ter but it got worse. Lori has already shown that the His­pan­ics have moved to the repub­li­can par­ty and now the black pop­u­la­tion is start­ing to notice. The His­pancs com­mu­ni­ty believe that their kids should be edu­cat­ed and not indoc­tri­nat­ed. The hor­ri­ble econ­o­my is hurt­ing the poor­est among us. There is a huge minor­i­ty block that are dis­heart­ened, the His­pan­ics and Black pop­u­la­tions. How is this going to shape the Novem­ber 2022 elec­tions?

The heart­beat bill only passed by 1 vote in a repub­li­can state run by repub­li­cans. What will hap­pen if we sit back and let the state turn blue. As repub­li­cans we should be great­ly con­cerned. If we dont get con­trol of the Sen­ate and the House, we will be fac­ing more of this hard­ship and will only get worse. The bul­lies are giv­en the pow­er by the Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States. And what if the pow­er com­pa­nies charge you triple to run the elec­tric­i­ty dur­ing the times they dont want you to use for the cli­mate cause.

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