BKP and Salleigh Grubbs (Cobb Co GOP Chair) talk about everything
The day that we got the news of Roe v Wade, Salleigh weept and rejoiced over the over turn and anxiously waited for the bill to be in place to save the babies in Georgia. In GA we do stand for life. Our GA state legislators had the courage to stand for life, one of the firsts. When the heartbeat bill was being debated on the floor it was a very dangerous place to be during the protests. The heartbeat bill only passed with one vote, and what we are celebrating could be reversed if the voting doesnt go right in November. For whatever reason the focus is on GA. 86% of campaign contributions for Stacey Abrams is out of state donors. All eyes are on GA to turn GA blue. Jen Jordan has already said she would not uphold that law of the heartbeat bill.
Transgender medicaid recipients now can get gender reassignement surgery. HB 1013, mental health parody, we do need mental health treated in GA. The reason Salleigh was opposed to the bill was because it wrapped up other issues into the bill other than mental health and substance abuse. The ACLU represented the two individuals claiming that they were discriminated against because they were not allowed to get gender reassignment surgery under medicaid. The DMS5 is the document of mental health and gender dysphoria is in the document and claims were made prior to the bill being signed that it would allow gender reassignment therapy due to the guidelines. Will it force the insurance companies to cover it and will everyone share in the cost of the service?
Republicans have no choice but to unify behind all the republicans on the ticket. Because if Stacey gets elected it will be her the entire posse. She would have over 1200 appointments and her people in every facet of our government. We have to be united and we have to get involved and we have to contribute.
We are at a turning point in history. We are under attack. This is outside our state that is specifically targeting our state. We have a busy port in Savannah and the busiest airport in Atlanta. Atlanta is the hub of the south. If the democrats win GA will never recover. Is it worth the risk to lose our state because you are mad about something. We need to take the lessons of 2020 and learn from them and move forward together.
Democrats have a plan to take the Governor, Lt Governor and Attorney General. That would be the trifecta. The Lt Governor will be in charge of the Senate.
Herschel Walker is a good man. He has a good character, integrity, and his ability. He has the courage of his conviction. It is sad how the media comes up with a talking point and comes up with something that is wrong. Herschel is a patriotic guy and has a love for this country like no other. He is a great candidate. Georgia is a covenant prize and the Senate is part of it. Rafeal Warnock is the top fundraising candidate in the nation. Herschel came from a very good family. At every event he stands and talks to everyone. Herschel is humble. He is ready to go and stand for Americans in the Senate.
If We the People want our voices heard we have to work for it. Contribute, get involved, and share posts on social media.
Suburban White Woman concerned with the economy, Stupid. The deal is there are working moms trying to be the mom and the dad and feeding their families putting gas in the car. Women are concerned about their children, effects of covid, baby formula, feeding their families, etc.
As republicans we can just start the conversation about what we are to do about the economy.
One of the reasons people arent getting out to vote and if we can do audits then do it. We should have audits. Voting is one of our sacred rights in our country.
The witch hunt in Fulton Co, it is all contrived. All you have to do is watch Adam Schiff and you see what is going on. When there are people that have been murdered in Fulton county and this is how she is spending her time. There are thousands of cases that are in the backlog in Fulton Co so she can get national recognition.
Merrick Garland bring charges to Donald Trump
Jan 6 coverage on what Donald Trump was doing during the riot at the Capitol.