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BKP and Salleigh Grubbs (Cobb Co GOP Chair) talk about everything

The day that we got the news of Roe v Wade, Salleigh weept and rejoiced over the over turn and anx­ious­ly wait­ed for the bill to be in place to save the babies in Geor­gia. In GA we do stand for life. Our GA state leg­is­la­tors had the courage to stand for life, one of the firsts. When the heart­beat bill was being debat­ed on the floor it was a very dan­ger­ous place to be dur­ing the protests. The heart­beat bill only passed with one vote, and what we are cel­e­brat­ing could be reversed if the vot­ing does­nt go right in Novem­ber. For what­ev­er rea­son the focus is on GA. 86% of cam­paign con­tri­bu­tions for Stacey Abrams is out of state donors. All eyes are on GA to turn GA blue. Jen Jor­dan has already said she would not uphold that law of the heart­beat bill.

Trans­gen­der med­ic­aid recip­i­ents now can get gen­der reas­signe­ment surgery. HB 1013, men­tal health par­o­dy, we do need men­tal health treat­ed in GA. The rea­son Salleigh was opposed to the bill was because it wrapped up oth­er issues into the bill oth­er than men­tal health and sub­stance abuse. The ACLU rep­re­sent­ed the two indi­vid­u­als claim­ing that they were dis­crim­i­nat­ed against because they were not allowed to get gen­der reas­sign­ment surgery under med­ic­aid. The DMS5 is the doc­u­ment of men­tal health and gen­der dys­pho­ria is in the doc­u­ment and claims were made pri­or to the bill being signed that it would allow gen­der reas­sign­ment ther­a­py due to the guide­lines. Will it force the insur­ance com­pa­nies to cov­er it and will every­one share in the cost of the ser­vice?

Repub­li­cans have no choice but to uni­fy behind all the repub­li­cans on the tick­et. Because if Stacey gets elect­ed it will be her the entire posse. She would have over 1200 appoint­ments and her peo­ple in every facet of our gov­ern­ment. We have to be unit­ed and we have to get involved and we have to con­tribute.

We are at a turn­ing point in his­to­ry. We are under attack. This is out­side our state that is specif­i­cal­ly tar­get­ing our state. We have a busy port in Savan­nah and the busiest air­port in Atlanta. Atlanta is the hub of the south. If the democ­rats win GA will nev­er recov­er. Is it worth the risk to lose our state because you are mad about some­thing. We need to take the lessons of 2020 and learn from them and move for­ward togeth­er.

Democ­rats have a plan to take the Gov­er­nor, Lt Gov­er­nor and Attor­ney Gen­er­al. That would be the tri­fec­ta. The Lt Gov­er­nor will be in charge of the Sen­ate.

Her­schel Walk­er is a good man. He has a good char­ac­ter, integri­ty, and his abil­i­ty. He has the courage of his con­vic­tion. It is sad how the media comes up with a talk­ing point and comes up with some­thing that is wrong. Her­schel is a patri­ot­ic guy and has a love for this coun­try like no oth­er. He is a great can­di­date. Geor­gia is a covenant prize and the Sen­ate is part of it. Rafeal Warnock is the top fundrais­ing can­di­date in the nation. Her­schel came from a very good fam­i­ly. At every event he stands and talks to every­one. Her­schel is hum­ble. He is ready to go and stand for Amer­i­cans in the Sen­ate.

If We the Peo­ple want our voic­es heard we have to work for it. Con­tribute, get involved, and share posts on social media.

Sub­ur­ban White Woman con­cerned with the econ­o­my, Stu­pid. The deal is there are work­ing moms try­ing to be the mom and the dad and feed­ing their fam­i­lies putting gas in the car. Women are con­cerned about their chil­dren, effects of covid, baby for­mu­la, feed­ing their fam­i­lies, etc.

As repub­li­cans we can just start the con­ver­sa­tion about what we are to do about the econ­o­my.

One of the rea­sons peo­ple arent get­ting out to vote and if we can do audits then do it. We should have audits. Vot­ing is one of our sacred rights in our coun­try.

The witch hunt in Ful­ton Co, it is all con­trived. All you have to do is watch Adam Schiff and you see what is going on. When there are peo­ple that have been mur­dered in Ful­ton coun­ty and this is how she is spend­ing her time. There are thou­sands of cas­es that are in the back­log in Ful­ton Co so she can get nation­al recog­ni­tion.

Mer­rick Gar­land bring charges to Don­ald Trump

Jan 6 cov­er­age on what Don­ald Trump was doing dur­ing the riot at the Capi­tol.

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