Home / News / BKP talks about Senate, border, schools, VP electoral role, crime, and today headlines

BKP talks about Senate, border, schools, VP electoral role, crime, and today headlines


Remem­ber BKP has said that the House is in the bank. But the Sen­ate is a toss up. The media is not talk­ing about any chal­lenge of the House races. More democ­rats will take the fall in the house. The Media focus is the Sen­ate. They will say that his­tor­i­cal­ly peo­ple like the repub­li­cans to take the House and the democ­rats take the Sen­ate. The Sen­ate is the only way to put the stop on the crazy in this country. 

You have JD Vance going against Tim Ryan in Ohio. JD Vance links Tim Ryan to Biden in a cam­paign video. We are liv­ing through the force tran­si­tion. Joe Biden’s face has to go on all these cam­paigns all over the nation to keep the Senate. 

Fet­ter­man is run­ning against Oz and has just had a stroke as he says he is ready to take on Dr. Oz while he slurs his words. Dr. Oz under­stands that Fed­der­man is not fit to take the Senate. 

May­orkas says on NBC that the bor­der is secure and says they are work­ing to make the bor­der more secure. Check your schools. There are 2 mil­lion that have crossed the bor­der. Check your school sys­tems to let them in. if a par­ent comes to sign them up the school will put them under the 999 cat­e­go­ry so the state will send funds. Ask the school dis­tricts how many have enrolled in the 999 cat­e­go­ry and how many schools are rush­ing to hire ESL (Eng­lish Sec­ond Lan­guage) teachers. 

So if Pence did not have the author­i­ty to stop the elec­tors that day on jan­u­ary 6. Why do they have to sub­mit a bill to stop can­di­dates from steal­ing elec­tions? The new bill will out­line the Vice Pres­i­den­t’s elec­toral count role as sole­ly min­is­te­r­i­al and that he or she does­n’t have any pow­er to sole­ly deter­mine, accept, reject or oth­er­wise adju­di­cate dis­putes over elec­tors. The elec­tor Reform count act will make it to where the VP can­not change the electors. 

Jan 6 hear­ing tonight. Gar­ret Zig­gler is the one that let Side­ny Pow­ell, Rudy and the guy from over­stock in the office. 

A New York Judge ordered Rudy to go to Atlanta to the Ful­ton co Grand Jury hearing. 

They are wor­ried about the text mes­sages of the secret ser­vice and not Hunter’s laptop. 

Will Mer­rick Gar­land press charges against Trump. He reit­er­at­ed that no one is above the law. Jan 6 is the most impor­tant inves­ti­ga­tion in the DOJ. 

Half of Amer­i­cans expect a sec­ond civ­il war 

Mort­gage appli­ca­tion plunge 22 year low 

Fed­er­al probe into hunter biden reached a crit­i­cal juncture 

Sesame street being sued because two black lit­tle girls were not acknowl­edged by character. 

GA GOP chair is among 16 alter­na­tive elec­tors in GA for the ful­ton Co grand jury 

Body cam footage where the police offi­cer in Uvalde as his wife died 

Dave Chap­pelle’s show was can­celed over his trans­pho­bic jokes. 

CNN own­er woos over Morn­ing Joe stars Joe Scar­bor­ough and Mika Brzezin­s­ki and he pre­pares to wield an ax. 

No evi­dence that Putin is in bad health. 

Going into Novem­ber, Democ­rats want to look good on crime. Biden safer amer­i­ca plan: help com­mu­ni­ties hire and train 100L addi­tion­al police offi­cers for account­able com­mu­ni­ty polic­ings. Are they going to put young black Amer­i­cans in jail? The only thing that has got­ten added to the Clin­ton crime plan was that Biden added account­able com­mu­ni­ty polic­ing. Plan is to invest near­ly $3 bil­lion to help com­mu­ni­ties to clear court back­logs to take crim­i­nals off the streets. Will impose tougher penal­ties for fen­tanyl traf­fick­ing, Will help for­mer­ly incar­cer­at­ed indi­vid­u­als suc­cess­ful­ly reen­ter soci­ety. Will estab­lish the “accel­er­at­ing Jus­tice reform grant pro­gram to help pre­vent vio­lent crime and help ease the bur­den on police offi­cers . Biden’s any­thing does not work. 

Remem­ber when Trump would walk to Marine 1 and it didn’t mat­ter how many reporters were there he would stop and talk to every one of them. Joe has to stay focused and won’t stop and talk to anyone. 

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