Home / News / BKP talks about GA heartbeat bill, 2022 elections, Biden’s climate agenda, and more

BKP talks about GA heartbeat bill, 2022 elections, Biden’s climate agenda, and more

Fed­er­al court says Geor­gias anti-abor­tion law can now be enforced. With the 2022 elec­tion hang­ing in the bal­ance, Geor­gia abor­tion lim­its take effect. It is in effect today, SCOTUS says that it is not a con­sti­tu­tion right and it goes back to the states. They are try­ing every­thing they can to block the states. It basi­cal­ly states that abor­tion is ille­gal in GA with the excep­tion of the pill.

Mod­el fore­casts repub­li­cans to retake the House major­i­ty in Novem­ber, Sen­ate is a toss up. In PA, Fet­ter­man says he s feel­ing real­ly good and will resume cam­paign­ing very soon, the lt gov of PA and the demo­c­rat nom­i­nee for PA Sen­ate run­ning against Dr. Oz. He is slur­ring his words. He is in rehab and is lead­ing in fundrais­ing.

It is sum­mer and the cli­mate advi­sor McCarthy says the pres­i­dent will move and he will move fast on cli­mate emer­gency. It is the tran­si­tion. It is the forced tran­si­tion. And they are brais­ing and bold to move for­ward on their agen­da. There will be some pain. Biden is going to move for­ward with all the pow­ers that he has to make the change and shift to clean ener­gy. Politi­cians have known that our pow­er grid is in trou­ble, we have watched the pow­er out­ages and the rolling brownouts. And they want us to believe we will plug up 3 vehi­cles at the house. Biden to expand cli­mate push with heat readi­ness. Yes­ter­day Biden recalled how coal pol­lu­tion in Delaware gave him and the peo­ple he grew up with can­cer in a speech slam­ming the GOP for not step­ping up to address the cli­mate emer­gency. Hey stop those barges that are send­ing our coal over to Chi­na.

Our trans­porta­tion Sec­re­tary Pete Buttigieg respond­ed to the ques­tion about how green ener­gy wont solve our plans, the chal­lenges that we are liv­ing through is what a tran­si­tion looks like. You cant flip a switch, you can’t do it overnight. Peo­ple strug­gling to let go of the sta­tus quo Reports show that wind and solar wont pow­er the hous­es in Europe and India and Chi­na are build­ing coal plants at record rates and Amer­i­cans are pay­ing the bill to com­bat cli­mate change.

Biden’s exec­u­tive actions give $2.3 bil­lion to help com­mu­ni­ties cope with severe heat, storms, fires and floods and Bol­ster­ing domes­tic off­shore wind indus­try. Bidens cli­mate agency is broke, they need more mon­ey as Biden arrives in non-elec­tric SUV entourage to a press­er in Mass to talk about the cli­mate agen­da. There is no stop­ping Joe Bidens cli­mate agen­da, nor does Joe have any­thing to do with it. Is it the white house inside the White House? He signed a stack of exec­u­tive orders on his first day killing fos­sil fuels and all his cab­i­net mem­bers are all envi­ron­men­tal­ists. They should lead by exam­ple before forc­ing the green new deal on the amer­i­can peo­ple

Jan 6 prime­time event tonight on all the net­works a 2 hour spe­cial.

So if Pence did not have the author­i­ty to stop the elec­tors that day on jan­u­ary 6. Why do they have to sub­mit a bill to stop can­di­dates from steal­ing elec­tions? The new bill will out­line the Vice Pres­i­den­t’s elec­toral count role as sole­ly min­is­te­r­i­al and that he or she does­n’t have any pow­er to sole­ly deter­mine, accept, reject or oth­er­wise adju­di­cate dis­putes over elec­tors.

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