Home / News / BKP and Lori talk about mileage rates, SPLOST, anti-abortion law, transgender and more

BKP and Lori talk about mileage rates, SPLOST, anti-abortion law, transgender and more

The peo­ple wear­ing masks, espe­cial­ly when they are in the car by them­selves or out swim­ming in the ocean, lack all com­mon sense and rea­son­ing.

Jim Har­baugh, coach of Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan, came out pub­li­cal to say have the courage to let the unborn be born and he now has an increas­ing num­ber call­ing for him to back­track the state­ment or to face the fury of the left. We need more like Har­baugh, and the pow­er of We The Peo­ple is pow­er­ful and stands with those who have the courage to stand up against the insan­i­ty. Because we did­nt stand up in the past, we cant afford to stay qui­et any longer.

BKP and Lori

BKP would like to do an entire show on mileage rates and coun­ty tax­es. It is not a coin­ci­dence of the out­rage over the prop­er­ty tax increas­es and for Stephens coun­ty to have their meet­ing at 3pm today. The senior exemp­tion in Geor­gia coun­ties are able to exempt seniors from school tax not prop­er­ty tax. If your coun­ty is work­ing on a $20 mil­lion dol­lar bud­get and a third is exempt from the bud­get but they say they will oper­ate on a $13.5 mil­lion bud­get, no they shift the bur­den to the work­ing peo­ple.

Using SPLOST mon­ey, what the coun­ties will do is put the pro­ject­ed projects on the bal­lot to vote. And the vot­ers vote for it because they want the new park, yet the mon­ey does­nt go to the project. You have to read the lan­guage on the ref­er­en­dums, as long as the mon­ey is spent on a legal SPLOST project. When a SPLOST pass­es, watch for the bonds to come so the coun­ty gets the mon­ey up front.

The Fed­er­al Court said Geor­gias anti-abor­tion law can now be enforced. As of yes­ter­day, abor­tion can­ce­la­tions were talk­ing place all over Geor­gia. The heart­beat bill only passed by one vote, we have to remem­ber.


Joe Biden is so bad he makes Jim­my Carter look good. Jim­my Carter was not com­pro­mised by Chi­na.

As the heart­beat bill goes into place, trans­gen­der med­ic­aid recip­i­ents in Geor­gia can get gen­der con­fir­ma­tion surgery. Why did the Geor­gia depart­ment of com­mu­ni­ty health set­tle? When did the dis­cus­sion allow gen­der con­fir­ma­tion surgery, why was­nt it fought. Med­ic­aid is paid for tax­pay­ers. Tax­pay­ers are pay­ing for gen­der con­fir­ma­tion surgery for low income peo­ple. The depart­ment of health also agreed to begin using clin­i­cal guide­lines for treat­ing gen­der dys­pho­ria as out­lined in DMS5. Geor­gians will not be able to apply for cov­er­age through their insur­ance providers. This law­suit was already in place when the men­tal health bill was being writ­ten. Fed­er­al judge says Geor­gia coun­ty cant deny insur­ance for trans­gen­der deputys for reas­sign­ment surgery. In Hous­ton Coun­ty, the sher­iffs office will be required to pro­vide insur­ance cov­er­age to a trans­gen­der deputy seek­ing gen­der reas­sign­ment surgery. It is believed to be the first rul­ing of its kind in the south. Where are the law­mak­ers, the repub­li­cans that say it would­nt hap­pen in Geor­gia.

The ACLU is get­ting ready to go after the GHSA to get the trans­gen­der in our schools and our kids sports. Richard said that Gen­der Affir­ma­tion Treat­ment is com­ing to your states and your schools.


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