Home / News / Lori talks about supplies and staffing, Biden’s climate agenda, Fentanyl, and more

Lori talks about supplies and staffing, Biden’s climate agenda, Fentanyl, and more


Lori went to the doc­tor yes­ter­day and wasn’t able to get the com­plete pro­ce­dure done due to sup­plies and staff. The ship­ment didn’t come in for the test and the office staffing was not full. There was a hos­pi­tal in the Atlanta area that didn’t have the sup­plies for a friend’s can­cer treat­ment. If big hos­pi­tals are suf­fer­ing with sup­plies and staff short­ages, it is inevitable that it will be in the rur­al areas. With the high­est infla­tion in 40 years, it is hard to fath­om the idea of a staff short­age. Amer­i­cans have $300–500 added to their bud­get just because of the adding increas­es of prices. There are a num­ber of moth­ers that have begun to stay home with the chil­dren start­ing at home busi­ness­es because of lack of child care. Fam­i­lies are strug­gling and there doesn’t seem to be a plan in sight to com­bat the inflation. 

16% of con­ser­v­a­tives feel cli­mate change is an issue, 72% of peo­ple under 30 think cli­mate is an issue. The pres­i­dent comes out declar­ing a nation­al emer­gency because of the heat. In 1980 there was a record heat wave in Texas that still hasn’t been bro­ken. We could be just hav­ing one of those years when the heat is just hot­ter than usu­al. Biden claims a nation­al emer­gency to com­bat cli­mate change. Biden says we need gov­er­nors, may­ors, elec­tric util­i­ties com­pa­nies and devel­op­ers to stand up and be a part of the solu­tion. Don’t be a road­block. Act bold­ly on cli­mate change. Biden decid­ed that cli­mate is the nation­al emer­gency and not the Bor­der with the human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis with the rapes at the bor­der and the fen­tenyl com­ing across the bor­der and May­orkas comes on say­ing that the bor­der is safe. 

The sto­ry Lori shared on Mon­day of the moth­er who over­dosed pre­lim­i­nary reports are show­ing that the drug she took had to have fen­tanyl in it. In Gwin­nett there were 2 mass over­dos­es all prob­a­bly attrib­uted to fen­tanyl. How can we have a pres­i­dent that won’t even dis­cuss the issue of fen­tanyl com­ing across the border. 

The White House had to back­track the pres­i­den­t’s words one more time. Biden had skin can­cer, although the pres­i­dent clear­ly said that he had can­cer from the coal fac­to­ries in Delaware like so many oth­ers. This has become a reg­u­lar inci­dent with this pres­i­dent that he has told so many untruths and you have to believe that he is believ­ing his own lies. 

Bernie Sanders goes after Joe Manchin for sab­o­tag­ing the pres­i­den­t’s cli­mate agen­da, jeal­ous of Manch­in’s donors from repub­li­can donors and the coal industry. 

The democ­rats are fight­ing amongst them­selves social­ists that love Bernie and the pro­gres­sives that love AOC that is against all old white men, although they tol­er­ate the men in their party. 

Lori plays a clip of Archie Bunker talk­ing about cli­mate and the democ­rats from the 1970s. To put it in per­spec­tive, we have strug­gled with issues for decades and we have to work for it. We have a pres­i­dent that has an agen­da and he will keep push­ing until it is com­plete. The nation­al emer­gency on cli­mate change, what will that look like. It is about con­trol. The way the com­mi­u­nist coun­tries oper­ate is through fear and rationing. Half of the coun­try has to work very dili­gent­ly to use our brains to fig­ure out what we need to do to com­bat the left­’s agenda. 

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