Home / News / The All Star Political Panel cover the economy, Biden policies and health, China and more

The All Star Political Panel cover the economy, Biden policies and health, China and more


Tem­per­a­tures have risen 1.1 degrees in 100 years. We have heat waves every year. Cli­mate change we are liv­ing in the Forced Tran­si­tion. WE have the pain, and some of us are reluc­tant to get on board and Biden has attempt­ed to sign an emer­gency order. Biden has nev­er giv­en a time plan or has nev­er planned for the tran­si­tion. Biden has nev­er planned for any­thing. Our elec­tric grid would take sev­er­al life­times to get where it needs to be to sup­port the elec­tric vehi­cles Biden wants to do. Biden wants to build off­shore wind­mills and run cables to the plant. It is incred­i­bly expen­sive. The wind­mill blades are made out of Carbon-fiber. 

The Biden entourage to the Mass. press con­fer­ence and none of them were electric. 

You think you’re fight­ing over the phone charg­er in the kitchen and who is get­ting the charg­er in the garage. You won’t be able to charge all the cars on the one charg­er. It’s all a fraud, it will not work. One day one the pres­i­dent end­ed the frack­ing and the pipeline but what he could have done is write a plan to phase out and bring it to the elec­tric. There is no plan to get you out of the suf­fer­ing. We have to get out some of the orders to get con­gress to make a plan but it will be a 30 year plan. If the oil busi­ness would know they have 30 years they would build more refiner­ies. There are 108 mil­lion cars on the road each day. Our elec­tric grid can not han­dle the extreme weath­er events much less charge the 108 mil­lion vehi­cles. There isn’t any way we can sus­tain this idea of the tran­si­tion to elec­tric vehicles. 

Chi­na and India are build­ing coal fired plants and the US is sell­ing our coal to them. Chi­na is going around the world to buy coal veins and has con­tracts in WV for 10 years. Joe took our emer­gency reserves and sold some of it to Chi­na. The nation­al aver­age of gas is 4.55 and the only rea­son it is down in GA is because the gov­er­nor has the thir­ty cents off for the state tax until August. 

What are the car com­pa­nies gonna do when no one buys the elec­tric vehi­cles in 5 years. 

Rus­sia got the tur­bine from Cana­da, and if Rus­sia seizes to pro­vide the oil and nat­ur­al gas to Ger­many. If they shut it down they say oil will be up to $380 a bar­rel and the US could see gas at $10/gallon.

The gen­er­al pop­u­la­tion doesn’t know what is going on. Most peo­ple don’t watch the news or they get their news from the main­stream media or from their phone. 

The media spun the net­flix sto­ry that 1 mil­lion peo­ple can­celed but they were expect­ing 3 mil­lion to can­cel. The work­ing class is start­ing to look at their month­ly sub­scrip­tions and can­cel­ing what they don’t need. 

You can con­trol some of the pain right now, but the prob­lem is that if you con­trol your expens­es and you don’t go out to din­ner, shop­ping for new clothes, you don’t spend the extra mon­ey. If you don’t spend the mon­ey it will hurt the local small busi­ness own­er. There won’t be 11 mil­lion jobs open, there will be 2 mil­lions. Job­less claims will go up. The small busi­ness is going to go out of busi­ness because there is only so long they can remain open under those cir­cum­stances. The entire cycle does look good for the economy. 

Black­stone just announced that they will become the largest land­lord. They have raised 50 bil­lion wait­ing on the crash and are tar­get­ing rental, ware­hous­es, and hos­pi­tal­i­ty. Chi­na right now 30% of their GDP is prop­er­ty, hous­ing spec­u­la­tion. Peo­ple are refus­ing to pay the mort­gages because of the work stop­pages. There are tanks in front of the Bank of Chi­na because the bank is not giv­ing the peo­ple their money. 

We are talk­ing about the real world and real people. 

There are more and more real­tor high­light­ing list­ings say­ing that it is a good time to buy. Joene report­ed about the slow down 2 months ago. Back when every­thing sold with­in days with mul­ti­ple con­tracts. Now the homes that sold over the appraisal val­ue have risen the prop­er­ty val­ues of the near­by homes, there­fore tax­es have gone up due to the inflat­ed sold prices. Now these homes will be fore­closed on for under the orig­i­nal appraisal val­ue but the prop­er­ty val­ues will not be reduced. 

What does it take to us when the feds raise a full basis points. It will take the econ­o­my into the tank. Thurs­day the GDP will come out show­ing a recession. 

You get enough peo­ple angry in Chi­na, Xi will go to war to calm the peo­ple. Hel­lo Tai­wan. Or they go back to the old play book, boost demand by boost­ing debt financed infra­struc­ture. Chi­na has ghost towns that have enor­mous build­ings aban­doned. Chi­na has said they will take over Tai­wan. The US has said they will step in. and Rus­sia and Ukraine will be on the back burn­er. Vic­to­ria Spatz has been to Ukraine six times and is mak­ing peo­ple ner­vous over the fir­ing of the Ukraine intel­li­gence officers. 

They have to do the reverse of the 25th amend­ment. Kamala Har­ris is going to resign and they will pick Gavin New­som. Then Biden will resign because of health or because of Hunter Biden and Joe will calm demen­tia so he can’t face the charges. What if the med­i­cine he is tak­ing for COVID, he wakes up in the morn­ing and has a blood clot. We know that he is dete­ri­o­rat­ing in front of his eyes. 

Bruce — out after 2022 election
Rick — Biden out after
Joene — Biden before
BKP — if Joe dies before the elec­tion, democ­rats will get the sym­pa­thy vote. 

Win­ners and Losers 

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