Home / News / BKP talks about the recession, winter is coming, Russia and Ukraine and more

BKP talks about the recession, winter is coming, Russia and Ukraine and more

They say we are not going to have a reces­sion. There will be 2 quar­ters of neg­a­tive growth but it wont lead to a reces­sion, that is what they want you to believe.

On CNBC, retail­ers down this morn­ing almost 9% drop in Wal­mart. Retail infla­tion issues, high­er prices. Joe Biden does­nt live in real­i­ty, they buy what they want when they want. They do not live with­in their means like ordi­nary Amer­i­cans. The shop­pers at Wal­mart are the biggest recip­i­ents of cor­po­rate wel­fare. They know most of their cus­tomer base has X mon­ey from the gov­ern­ment. What Wal­mart has strug­gled in the last year is the man­u­fac­tur­er has increased prices and they strug­gle to keep prices low­er to allow for the crea­ture com­forts.

Gas is com­ing down. We arent dri­ving like we were, there­fore auto­mat­i­cal­ly gas would go down. If you have $30 then your only spend­ing is $30. It reduces the amount of gas in their tank and reduces the amount of miles they dri­ve. They are brag­ging and talk­ing a vic­to­ry lap because gas has come down, but it is not because of any­thing the Biden admin­is­tra­tion has done.

The Biden admin­is­tra­tion is going to act like its not even there.

Janet Yellen has said there isnt a reces­sion com­ing. COVID joe say­ing that we are going from rapid growth to steady growth that we are not going to see a reces­sion. All of a sud­den, Lar­ry Sum­mers say­ing that we are not in a reces­sion and the num­bers of the GDP is mis­lead­ing. This week we will have two neg­a­tive quar­ters of neg­a­tive growth. They want to rede­fine reces­sion for us. Pre­dic­tions of a mild reces­sion are delu­sion­al, says Nuriel Roubi­ni, the econ­o­mist called the 2008 finan­cial crash. He con­tin­ues to say the econ­o­my is head­ing for a severe reces­sion as well as a severe debt and finan­cial cri­sis. The pho­ny econ­o­my is the print­ing of tril­lions of dol­lars. You cant keep pay­ing all the bills with the pho­ny print­ed mon­ey. Debt ratios are his­tor­i­cal­ly high at 420% and have result­ed in zom­bie cor­po­ra­tions. The econ­o­my was cre­at­ed. In the 1970s the stag­na­tion was accom­pa­nied by low debt ratios and the 2008 crash saw falling infla­tion. We cur­rent­ly have high debt ratios and high infla­tion, this is a con­cern.

They are doing every­thing to divert you from real­i­ty. The real­i­ty is win­ter is com­ing. In the north, homes are heat­ed by home heat­ing oil, expect prices to sky­rock­et and short­ages are pos­si­ble for nat­ur­al gas, coal, elec­tric­i­ty, home heat­ing oil, propane. There are sin­gle senior cit­i­zens who are strug­gling now and they will not be able to heat their homes this win­ter.

We were led to believe that Rus­sians were crip­pled and Russ­ian gen­er­als were dying and could­nt get them to the lines. Putin had can­cer and was real­ly sick. Lead to believe that Ukraine was push­ing back and Zelen­sky was run­ning around the world becom­ing the new Win­ston Churchill. Trump said the EU was going to be in a lot of trou­ble once Putin makes a move. And now they strug­gle to cut off its reliance on Russ­ian gas. Now Rus­sia has the upper hand with win­ter on the hori­zon as Rus­sia is tight­en­ing the gas flow to Europe.

Rus­sia says it wants to end Ukraines unac­cept­able regime. If Ukraine has killed 20K Russ­ian troops, where are the pic­tures? If you dont think this win­ter they are slow­ing the gas to Europe and slow­ing the export of wheat in Ukraine.

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