Home / News / Lori talks about lawsuit on poultry producers and GA abortion law, Harris, border and more

Lori talks about lawsuit on poultry producers and GA abortion law, Harris, border and more

MSM hates the Amer­i­can peo­ple. They want to shut down any­one that sup­ports the for­mer Pres­i­dent, Don­ald J Trump. We had a patri­ot­ic surge in this coun­try. It was cool to be a patri­ot again. Once they get rid of him they are com­ing after us.

We need to be aware of all the land that Chi­na is buy­ing across our nation.

SK Bat­tery will be part­ner­ing with the Work for War­riors pro­gram. Work for War­riors is an orga­ni­za­tion that links vet­er­ans and employ­ers.

There are 2 law­suits that will affect GA com­pa­nies.

The Jus­tice depart­ment is going to file a law­suit against the largest poul­try pro­duc­er in the coun­try to end abu­sive prac­tices for work­ers. The defen­dants are respon­si­ble for hir­ing 90% of all chick­en pro­cess­ing jobs in the nation. Gainesville is the poul­try cap­i­tal of the nation. The set­tle­ment will place a fed­er­al mon­i­tor select­ed by the Jus­tice Depart­ment to ensure com­pli­ance for the next decade. It will also allow fed­er­al lawyers and inves­ti­ga­tors to inspect the poul­try pro­cess­ing facil­i­ties. The farm­ers are to sign con­tracts and pay is deter­mined how they per­form. Sounds like fed­er­al over­reach.

There is a chal­lenge to the GA abor­tion law was filed yes­ter­day based on pri­va­cy pro­tec­tion. They say that the heart­beat bill infringes Geor­gians fun­da­men­tal right under the GA con­sti­tu­tion to be free from unwar­rant­ed state inter­fer­ence with their life, body and health. Remem­ber the fed­er­al did what they did by telling us and what they told our employ­ers giv­ing them the mus­cle that they can fire the employ­ees for not get­ting the shot. And the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is still telling par­ents to vac­ci­nate chil­dren now, even new­borns. The lib­er­als are say­ing the words that con­ser­v­a­tives have been scream­ing over the COVID vac­cine. The hypocrisy of the left nev­er fails to amaze.

Our Vice Pres­i­dent is a world­wide joke. Our VP starts a board meet­ing intro­duc­ing her­self and her pro­nouns, words can not explain, just have to see. When have any of us walked into a board room and opened with this kind of insan­i­ty. When you start show­cas­ing things like this you are not deal­ing with the issues the Amer­i­cans are deal­ing with. The 2022 midterm can do many things, but what we need to do is send a NO that we dont want the poli­cies any­more. Many of the items we use every­day have gone up more than 9.1% and Amer­i­cans have been mak­ing dai­ly adjust­ments to sur­vive.

When the Biden admin­is­tra­tion is not wor­ried about what is com­ing across the Bor­der instead wor­ry­ing about the work­force in poul­try fac­to­ries. The human traf­fick­ing, slav­ery and suf­fer­ing at the bor­der is unthink­able and is hap­pen­ing on our Amer­i­can soil. The girls and women are vicious­ly tor­tured and raped and under­gar­ments are hung on a tree as tro­phy and taunt­ing our agents that they cant do any­thing about the acts of vio­lence.

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